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using a larger clip in a smaller frame?

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 21:34
by matthewchapman
I am working on a project at 1280 x 720 resolution. I have some shots where I want to pan across an animation. For example if I wanted to do a simple pan down a building. Because the building is about 3x as tall as the characters, I made a building animation at the resolution 1280 x 2160 (3x the heighht).

The plan was to use After effectsw to do the pan on the building, but for some reason AE is crashing on me. If I import this file into a new project in TVPaint, is there any way to let TVPaint keep the entire resolution and then do the pan with KeyFramer? IE when I import it will it is there any way to keep the extra top and bottom, then do the pan there?

I hope that was clear enough.


Re: using a larger clip in a smaller frame?

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 21:48
by slowtiger
Open big and small project. In the small one, open the Keyframer FX and choose the other project as source.

Re: using a larger clip in a smaller frame?

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 22:39
by matthewchapman
Hey that's great. Thanks!

Re: using a larger clip in a smaller frame?

Posted: 19 Feb 2012, 11:02
by Mads Juul
Have you thought about using the camera tool?