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COLORING with remembering same frames?

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 14:26
by Marcel Hobi
Hi everybody

For coloring: Is there a way to remember frames, which have been copied to another spot on the same layer? Let's say there is an irregular loop and I don't want to color each, but the few frames that are repeating.
I can imagine that it's not possible, because TvPaint isn't based on roots.... but maybe I am wrong?

Many Thanks for HELP and have a nice day

Re: COLORING with remembering same frames?

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 14:35
by Elodie
Hi Marcel, in that case, you may use the Xsheet feature.

The Xsheet allows you to define a source (let's say : a clip) and re-use the image from your clip, but all layers (line, color, shadows...) will be "merged" together.

I advise you to read the Lesson 8, from the user guide :)

Re: COLORING with remembering same frames?

Posted: 21 Feb 2012, 20:21
by Fabrice
Welcome Marcel :)

If you have any question, we would be ready to post a workaround about it.
Feel free to share some screenshots, it would help us to do so.