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Publishing a pdf of a storyboard

Posted: 28 Feb 2012, 23:31
by Paul Fierlinger
I forgot how to make a pdf of a clip show all, or selected, frames within a single clip as a row of storyboard panels. Can someone please explain or point me to a thread or tutorial with the explanation?

Re: Publishing a pdf of a storyboard

Posted: 29 Feb 2012, 08:38
by Animark
Hello Paul,
I also would like to have the possibility to show more than one frame of a clip in a storyboard-pdf, but unfortunately I am afraid that there is no such thing.

If I understood right, only the first frame OR the first "image-marked" frame of a clip will be shown in the storyboard.

Re: Publishing a pdf of a storyboard

Posted: 29 Feb 2012, 10:53
by ematecki
It is possible :)

It will export every bookmarked frame.
You have to select "Bookmark" in the "frame" popup.

Re: Publishing a pdf of a storyboard

Posted: 29 Feb 2012, 11:38
by Paul Fierlinger
I did that Eric, and it didn't work, but I was tired and might have missed something else. Will give it another go.
EDIT: Yup, I was tired; I made Image Marks instead of bookmarks. :oops:

Re: Publishing a pdf of a storyboard

Posted: 29 Feb 2012, 17:14
by Animark
Yes, Ematecki is right.

I made a test for that some days ago and got only the first bookmarked images in the pdf, but maybe i made something wrong. I tried again today and it worked fine :-) - just make a bookmark for every image in one or more clips you want to be printed in the pdf, and you'll get it.

So thanks for your respond, without it I woudn't gave it another try.

But was this "multiple-frames-of-a-clip-to-PDF-function" implemented from the first version of TVP 10 on?
This is printed in the manual:
Frame allows you to select which image will be used as a thumbnail when printing your
storyboard : the first image from each clip (Clip Frame in), the last image from each clip (Clip
current frame), or the first bookmarked image from each clip (Bookmarks).
However, nive to have it :D

Re: Publishing a pdf of a storyboard

Posted: 29 Feb 2012, 17:32
by Paul Fierlinger
I know that there have been a lot of extensive improvements made to the storyboarding side of TVP Pro 10, both audio and imagery wise. Anyone who might have been interested in this in the past, but had given up, should explore again. A couple of professional storyboard artists have been extensively testing this important aspect of TVP and our profession.

Re: Publishing a pdf of a storyboard

Posted: 01 Mar 2012, 08:27
by ematecki
Animark wrote:This is printed in the manual:
Frame allows you to select which image will be used as a thumbnail when printing your
storyboard : the first image from each clip (Clip Frame in), the last image from each clip (Clip
current frame), or the first bookmarked image from each clip (Bookmarks).
Sometimes the bug is in the manual :)

Re: Publishing a pdf of a storyboard

Posted: 01 Mar 2012, 09:03
by Elodie
ematecki wrote: Sometimes the bug is in the manual :)
When you are alone to re-write 500 pages, it may happen.
We will correct this so.