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Help! Damaged TVP Save File.

Posted: 23 May 2012, 13:12
by Iggi

This is what happened, yesterday when finnishing animating, i thought i saved my file propperly.
But when i try to open the file , TVP crashes.
When i am opening the file in tv paint, there is a question mark instead of the resolution of the project.

The file is 400MB , so i assume the data is there.
I am using tvp 9.5.21.

There is allot of annimation work in the file, that i would like to retrieve,

So my question is, is it possible to repair the damaged file.

Re: Help! Damaged TVP Save File,

Posted: 23 May 2012, 13:39
by Elodie
Iggi wrote:So my question is, is it possible to repair the damaged file.
Upload it on a server and send us the link :)

Re: Help! Damaged TVP Save File,

Posted: 23 May 2012, 15:37
by Iggi
This is the link to the file!


Re: Help! Damaged TVP Save File,

Posted: 24 May 2012, 12:13
by ematecki
wetransfer in progress, check your email in an hour or two.

I hope we saved most of your animation.

Do a memtest on your computer and some kind of bad-block check on your harddrive.

Now go to Edit > Preferences > General, and set Auto Backup to at least 3 or 4.

Re: Help! Damaged TVP Save File,

Posted: 24 May 2012, 16:18
by Iggi
Allright, first of all thank you verry mutch for trying to repair the file! and such a quick reaction to my post.

I just downloaded the file, it does open in tv paint,
but there is nothing in it, the files in my project tab do have the correct names, but there is nothing in them
, just one blanc frame in every one of them.

How does it look like when you opened it on your computer?

Re: Help! Damaged TVP Save File,

Posted: 25 May 2012, 07:22
by ematecki
Here it looks correct.
There are a lot of layers, the anim is a guy swimming, passing behind a huge bubble, then entering it. At least that's how I interpret it :)

The file size is 419635494 bytes.
The crc32 is e7616b1d (there are plenty of free software for computing the crc32 of a file, just pick one...)
If yours are different, the file didn't download (or upload) properly.

Re: Help! Damaged TVP Save File,

Posted: 25 May 2012, 11:14
by Iggi
Ok i just did a crc check on the file. and it is identical to the one on your computer. (E7616B1D)
The file size is also identical. (419.635.494 bytes)

I dont understand why it doesnt open propperly.all my other tvp files work perfectly.
Does ist has something to do with tvpversion? I have tvpaint 9.5.21 , what version is yours?

I downloaded 2 times to check if something went wrong with the download , but the problem is still there.
So maby its something with the upload then?

Could you make a new save file and and send it again. ?

Re: Help! Damaged TVP Save File,

Posted: 25 May 2012, 12:44
by ematecki
There is one chance out of over 4 billions that two files with the same crc32 and same size are different, so the up/download process did work properly.

I checked also with 9.5.21, and 10.0.6 too. That's very strange !

Try to reinstall TVPaint, I can't really think of anything else...

Anyway, I'll send it again, zipped this time.

crc32 is 66353394, size is 189168431 bytes.

Re: Help! Damaged TVP Save File,

Posted: 26 May 2012, 12:28
by Iggi
Thanx for sending a new file!

It works like a charm. :)
This saved me allot of work!

Keep up the good work ! :D

Re: Help! Damaged TVP Save File [Fixed]

Posted: 17 Oct 2012, 10:30
by zmugler
i have damaged file after a sudden shutdown , the file still has it size ( 43 MB ) so i think it still has the data
i uploaded the file to this URL : ... HZJUUhzVFU" onclick=";return false;
please help me restore my file, your help is really appreciated