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AAliasing settings of Transform Tool via shortcut or script?

Posted: 27 Sep 2012, 08:42
by Animark

I tried to make a button (in a custom panel) to select the transform tool with defined AAliasing setting. I would like to have a one-click-solution to get the transform tool activated with "best" AAliasing regardless of wich setting I used last time. I failed, but hoping, someone here have an idea, how to do. Maybe a george-command helps, but unfortunately I am not firm with that.

Thanks from Animark

Re: AAliasing settings of Transform Tool via shortcut or scr

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 08:03
by Fabrice
Hmm, not sure it's possible. Did you try the AAliasing "smart" ?

Re: AAliasing settings of Transform Tool via shortcut or scr

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 12:20
by Animark
In which version of TVPaint was "smart" introduced? I am here at work on 10.0.7, at home I am on 10.0.11. I cannot find "smart" here but think, I've seen it before !?! What is "smart" doing?

Re: AAliasing settings of Transform Tool via shortcut or scr

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 12:24
by Animark
Ah OK, I've found Elodies Posting. "Smart" is introduced in Version 10.0.9. But I don't get an idea of what it does exactly.
TVPaint Animation 10.0.9 is available !

-New Antialiasing mode in the position tool: smart ( none for translation, best for rotation and stretch )
-Antialising Best: no more rigging in the alpha channel.

Re: AAliasing settings of Transform Tool via shortcut or scr

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 18:52
by Sewie
Animark wrote:... at home I am on 10.0.11....
To my knowledge 10.0.9 is the most recent version. Or are you on the beta team?

Re: AAliasing settings of Transform Tool via shortcut or scr

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 19:13
by Animark
No, I am not a beta-tester. I just use the update function from time to time, like last saturday :-). But I didn't found any information in the forum about what has changed or has been improved.
tvp10011.jpg (5.85 KiB) Viewed 14873 times

Re: AAliasing settings of Transform Tool via shortcut or scr

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 20:37
by Paul Fierlinger
Have you come across any problems?

Re: AAliasing settings of Transform Tool via shortcut or scr

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 21:03
by Svengali
My understanding is the SMART smoothing mode looks at your cutbrush and decides between NONE or BEST for pasting based on whether it has been rotated/scaled or not. If it has NOT been rotated/scaled (simply translated to a new location) then no smoothing is necessary (NONE). If it has been rotated/scaled, I think the smoothing automatically applies BEST.

The SMART setting simply means that the paste operation is smart enough to know which smoothing should be used. Aliasing only occurs during interpolation of a rotated/scaled cutbrush. In fact, if BEST is applied to a cutbrush which hasn't been rotated or scaled, BEST smoothing will degrade the pasted version of your cutbrush.

Actually I guess SMART mode should also detect if the cutbrush rotation was exactly 90, 180 or 270 because in those cases, there should be no aliasing as well.

By the way, earlier I tried to write a button that would let you set and keep the smoothing mode you wanted for pasting but it seemed to always be overridden and default to SMART.

Then of course I might be totally wrong on all this. :)

Re: AAliasing settings of Transform Tool via shortcut or scr

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 05:05
by Animark
Paul Fierlinger wrote:Have you come across any problems?
Hi Paul, no problems, but I only fiddled around for an hour or so. I haven't used TVPaint very much since the last update.
Svengali wrote:The SMART setting simply means that the paste operation is smart enough to know which smoothing should be used.
Hi Sven, thanks a lot for the detailed description. No I know how smart "Smart" is ;-).

Re: AAliasing settings of Transform Tool via shortcut or scr

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 07:39
by Elodie
Sewie wrote:
Animark wrote:... at home I am on 10.0.11....
To my knowledge 10.0.9 is the most recent version. Or are you on the beta team?
I confirm, the latest released version is 10.0.11 :D

Re: AAliasing settings of Transform Tool via shortcut or scr

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 16:28
by Svengali
Elodie wrote:I confirm, the latest released version is 10.0.11 :D
Are there any specific details on version 10.0.11 and what has been changed and/or added? Bug fixes or are there other functionality updates as well?


Re: AAliasing settings of Transform Tool via shortcut or scr

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 22:59
by Fabrice
mostly bug fix (bug for network version for schools and studios, bug on brush rotate, etc ...).
I might be wrong but there is no new option. (even if some are under development nowadays)