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"previous used tool" in 9.5

Posted: 12 Dec 2012, 19:28
by ryberg
I would very much like it if I could set up a shortkey for a previously used tool.

For instance, I am painting with my favourite brush, I change to an eraser tool and then I'd like to return to the tool I used before the eraser.

Re: "previous used tool" in 9.5

Posted: 12 Dec 2012, 23:46
by ZigOtto
6 years ago, we had a certain Lemec's "Tool Swap" which did exactly what you're looking for (or so),
but I have no idea if it's still available, and where to get it now. :?

Re: "previous used tool" in 9.5

Posted: 13 Dec 2012, 00:46
by Paul Fierlinger
Removed by PF

Re: "previous used tool" in 9.5

Posted: 13 Dec 2012, 15:23
by Paul Fierlinger
(119 KiB) Downloaded 941 times
OOPS! I've been warned that I linked this tool to a restricted area and I apologize.
Here it is and I want to add that I've been working with this tool for several years now, day and night. I have a tablet button attached to it as well as a keyboard key.

Re: "previous used tool" in 9.5

Posted: 13 Dec 2012, 16:16
by ryberg
thanks a lot Paul

I've installed it but I'm in doubt of how to use it.

Re: "previous used tool" in 9.5

Posted: 13 Dec 2012, 16:22
by ryberg
oh, I see "Swap Erase" swap back and forth between an eraser and your current tool, so I guess "Swap Tool" does that with two any given tools you've selected.

Great stuff.

Re: "previous used tool" in 9.5

Posted: 13 Dec 2012, 16:27
by Paul Fierlinger
create your drawing tool and click on the swap tool button, then create your erase tool and click on the swap erase. Test if they work, by clicking on one button and then the next. Then go to the key command panel(ctrl+K) and assign the swap erase button to your designated key. That's it. As you use this, you will see that your script will remember whatever last setting you had made, so if you for instance make your eraser smaller, the script will remember this until you change something again.

Re: "previous used tool" in 9.5

Posted: 13 Dec 2012, 16:38
by Paul Fierlinger
Svengali-SWAP-SAVE ERASE.tvpx
Sven's new and improved swap tool
(107 KiB) Downloaded 935 times
I just realized that I've been using a newer script Svengali had created for me. Try this one, which I think works better. The names of the two buttons should be self explanatory.
EDIT:I should have noted that I have a Custom Panel with my favorite pencil buttons and erase buttons. Those are the buttons I start with to select my Swap Erase Tool from.

Re: "previous used tool" in 9.5

Posted: 13 Dec 2012, 17:03
by ryberg
ok, that's great. Thanks a lot.

Re: "previous used tool" in 9.5

Posted: 13 Dec 2012, 17:29
by Paul Fierlinger
You are welcome (I presume you've tested it and that it works for you :) )

Re: "previous used tool" in 9.5

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 11:50
by Soom
Old thread, but none of these tools work any more for me, and I really need them!
When using the first Svengali's tool -Sven-SwapTool-Custom.tvpx, I only get error messages "Read error! no such file or directory" or "Unable to open file: (...path to my tvpaint)\george\BrushB1.dip" sometimes it's BrushA1, sometimes BrushD1 ... :/
When using the improved Save-Erase panel, that Paul suggested, nothing happens at all...
Any help on that?

Re: "previous used tool" in 9.5

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 12:03
by Paul Fierlinger
Soom wrote:Old thread, but none of these tools work any more for me, and I really need them!
When using the first Svengali's tool -Sven-SwapTool-Custom.tvpx, I only get error messages "Read error! no such file or directory" or "Unable to open file: (...path to my tvpaint)\george\BrushB1.dip" sometimes it's BrushA1, sometimes BrushD1 ... :/
When using the improved Save-Erase panel, that Paul suggested, nothing happens at all...
Any help on that?
It's the nature of free plugins. They have to be accepted as temporary stop-gap measures because we cannot expect of their programmers to keep them updated forever. Personally, I'm doing fine with TVP 11's built in switcher even though it's not perfect (but the remedy for its imperfection is miniscule thus negligible :) .)