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export Transparency

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 19:20
by ori
I am having a problem exporting an image/or image sequence with Transparency.
I tried with the formats:PNG,Jpeg,Tiff
I tried with a "V" on the background and without the "V" on the background
and it did not worked for me.

Thank you for your attention

Re: export Transparency

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 22:04
by maryam
Make sure the background is unchecked and when choosing PNG make sure to choose RGBA,
have a look at the image.

Re: export Transparency

Posted: 14 Mar 2013, 10:00
by Piasdatter
We are experiencing the same problem


The same happens with Tiff. Help?

Re: export Transparency

Posted: 14 Mar 2013, 10:35
by slowtiger
With the settings in the screenshot PNG and TIFF should have an alpha channel. JPG doesn't support alpha.

How did you test? If you re-import one of the exported images, does it have transparency?

Re: export Transparency

Posted: 14 Mar 2013, 10:48
by Piasdatter
slowtiger wrote:With the settings in the screenshot PNG and TIFF should have an alpha channel. JPG doesn't support alpha.

How did you test? If you re-import one of the exported images, does it have transparency?
If i re-import the images to tvp10, it doesn't have transparency.
These exact settings work in tvp 9.5.18

If i set the settings to 'alpha only' instead of RGBA, it doen't work.
RGBA(32bits) gives me the options of 'premultiply' or 'no premultiply'
I don't understand the workings of alpha channels, I guess.

If you go to clip - background and switch from 'color' to 'none' it fixes the problem.

This have no influence in tvp 9.5.18, so why does it have influence in tvp 10.0.14? Is it the 64 bit?

Re: export Transparency

Posted: 14 Mar 2013, 12:29
by slowtiger
Can't reproduce on 10.0.11 mac. I get a PNG with transparency no matter wich BG colour is chosen.

Re: export Transparency

Posted: 14 Mar 2013, 12:56
by Piasdatter
And we are running win 7. hmm
At least we got it to work, but I sure would like to know why.

Re: export Transparency

Posted: 14 Mar 2013, 13:41
by Thierry
Hello !

This is indeed strange, I've tried to reproduce this bug on a 10.0.14 but like slowtiger, I had transparency whatever BG color was chosen.
My guess is that one of your settings was not correct.

Re: export Transparency

Posted: 15 Mar 2013, 12:44
by Piasdatter
are you exporting from 'Project: Display' ?

we just found out if we export from there it also works fine without switching the background to none.

It works in 'Project: Display' but not in 'Clip: Display', and the settings are exactly the same?

Re: export Transparency

Posted: 15 Mar 2013, 13:15
by Thierry
Piasdatter wrote:are you exporting from 'Project: Display' ?

we just found out if we export from there it also works fine without switching the background to none.

It works in 'Project: Display' but not in 'Clip: Display', and the settings are exactly the same?
I did it yesterday in "Clip: Display".
I've just tried to export from "Project: Display", an done it again from "Clip: Display". Both work fine.

Re: export Transparency

Posted: 15 Mar 2013, 15:11
by Piasdatter
Good grief. I don't know what we're doing wrong here. All the computers do it, there's got to be a setting we've screwed with, and I've run out of ideas.
Any ideas?

Re: export Transparency

Posted: 15 Mar 2013, 17:54
by Paul Fierlinger
Is it possible your bottom most layer is an image layer filled with the same color as your background? Is it clear to you what is referred to here as background color; the virtual color in the bottom left corner of the Layer Panel (which is not a layer of itself)?

Re: export Transparency

Posted: 19 Mar 2013, 14:49
by Piasdatter
you mean like you would in photoshop? No I don't, I have an imagelayer with the background layout, but I click it off and it's not visible on any exports. I still get that white background unless I set the background to none.

Re: export Transparency

Posted: 20 Mar 2013, 02:31
by Fabrice
Please can you send to Thierry your file ?

We will test if there is a bug.