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layers frame view

Posted: 18 Mar 2013, 21:18
i'm new to TVPaint 10. i just can't find the button to change the layers view to "frames", where is it?

Re: layers frame view

Posted: 18 Mar 2013, 21:31
by Paul Fierlinger
You have to assign:
Timeline:Toggle Frames/Timecode
This is done in the Keyboard shortcuts panel. Hit Ctrl+K to get there. Commands in right column; keyboard configurations in left column. If you have more important items to fill your keyboard with make your own button in the Custom Panel. Before you ask how to do that, make a search -- there has been plenty written on the subject. Or read the manual.

Re: layers frame view

Posted: 18 Mar 2013, 21:47
Paul Fierlinger wrote:You have to assign:
Timeline:Toggle Frames/Timecode
This is done in the Keyboard shortcuts panel. Hit Ctrl+K to get there. Commands in right column; keyboard configurations in left column. If you have more important items to fill your keyboard with make your own button in the Custom Panel. Before you ask how to do that, make a search -- there has been plenty written on the subject. Or read the manual.
10x! :)

Re: layers frame view

Posted: 18 Mar 2013, 21:51
by Paul Fierlinger
Glad to help -- and welcome to our forums!