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Posted: 12 Jun 2013, 15:54
by djsolomon
Would it be possible to change the animations brush stokes from one to another.... for instance if you had a scene drawn with a chinese
brush to change it to a pencil line....this is done in vector programs like corel draw but would that be possible in TVP?


Re: Suggestion....

Posted: 12 Jun 2013, 17:16
by mox
Right after your last stroke, you can swap the brush, undo the previous stroke then hit "Enter key" to repeat the last stroke.
It's the only way.

It's one of the differences between Raster/Bitmap-based softwares and the vector-based ones... What's done is done :)

Re: Suggestion....

Posted: 12 Jun 2013, 18:04
by djsolomon
Thanks Jerome!!! just thought i'd ask : ) debra

Re: Suggestion....

Posted: 13 Jun 2013, 03:40
by meslin
I love this Enter-to-reapply feature and have used it an awful lot over the years.
However, here is a great place for me to ask if there is a limitation against storing more than just the most recent stroke. Sometimes I'll draw a line that was accidentally with the wrong pen, but it was actually two segments. I recognize that there is certainly a UI barrier to presenting this info to the user, but what about a hotkey to reapply the last-X# of strokes (or just the stroke from X#-ago)? Maybe there's a memory limitation that could be set in the preferences so it's not storing endlessly, but surely my system could handle the storage of three strokes. Yes, I know it's a slippery slope.

Not a big deal, just wonderin'...

Re: Suggestion....

Posted: 13 Jun 2013, 05:44
by Svengali
look on page 2-29 of the TVP10 manual where the History Panel is discussed "briefly". This history of your current drawing session would seem to have the potential to offer exactly what you are talking about, stored strokes, all of them! In fact, I've used it a number of times to go back in time on a drawing, captured a screen state to the spare buffer and then zoomed forward again in time to the current state of the drawing.

But I guess the trick in your case would be to replace the tool at the right point in "history",then re-live it so to speak (not sure this is even possible in the History Panel). But as with science fiction time travel, if something is changed somewhere back in time by the time-traveler, all of the history that follows could be somehow changed in unexpected or unpleasant ways. :D

On page 7-37 you'll find the drawing recorder discussed which also seems to promise rewriting your drawing history with a new tool. But I seem to remember some critical limitations when I tried it a while ago.

On page 15-2 you'll find a discussion of the FX-panel's autopaint effect. Again, this has some interesting possibilities for recording and playing back a stroke history, with possible substitution of drawing tool. But controlling it is rather cumbersome and limited.

Wonder if anyone else on the forum has tried any of these features and found them useful? Elodie?


Re: Suggestion....

Posted: 13 Jun 2013, 18:25
by Peter Wassink
djsolomon wrote:Would it be possible to change the animations brush stokes from one to another.... for instance if you had a scene drawn with a chinese
brush to change it to a pencil line....this is done in vector programs like corel draw but would that be possible in TVP?

Actually if you know in advance you might need to change the linestyle you can.
its called autopaint, it stores the movements of your wacom and in the FX stack you can re-apply it with any tool.

not sure what the limits are with regards to the complecity of the drawing.
i have used it to animate handwriting for instance and it works pretty well.
usually you need to squeeze the length of the keyframelayer quite a bit as this tends to become very long.

so for a single drawing its perfectly doable but for a animation it would become inpractical very fast.

Re: Suggestion....

Posted: 13 Jun 2013, 20:52
by Fabrice
meslin wrote:I love this Enter-to-reapply feature and have used it an awful lot over the years.
However, here is a great place for me to ask if there is a limitation against storing more than just the most recent stroke. Sometimes I'll draw a line that was accidentally with the wrong pen, but it was actually two segments. I recognize that there is certainly a UI barrier to presenting this info to the user, but what about a hotkey to reapply the last-X# of strokes (or just the stroke from X#-ago)? Maybe there's a memory limitation that could be set in the preferences so it's not storing endlessly, but surely my system could handle the storage of three strokes. Yes, I know it's a slippery slope.

Not a big deal, just wonderin'...
not easy to do.
not impossible, but complex and long development.