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Brush type that has all options available

Posted: 25 Aug 2013, 19:12
by k00kla

I love TVPaint's brush engine and I've made lots of brushes with it, but it frustrates me that there doesn't seem to be a basic brush type that has ALL the customization attributes built into it. If I choose an airbrush as the basis for a new brush, it has certain options that I can customize. If I make an anim brush it has a different set of options. If I choose a pen or a pencil as the basis for a new brush, each has it's own unique options. Is there a basic brush that I can choose that has ALL the options (except for things which ONLY affect an animated brush, obviously) available so that I can customize whatever I want? Am I just overlooking this brush? Does it exist? Where can I find it?

And as an aside, wouldn't it greatly simplify things for both the users and the developers if TVPaint based its entire brush system around such a basic, fully customizable brush and just let us customize things to our contentment? Am I missing something?


Re: Brush type that has all options available

Posted: 26 Aug 2013, 07:00
by ematecki
The MAIN reason there are several kind of brushes is QUALITY.

Working in 8bits/channel, rounding errors accumulate very quickly.
So to minimize these, there are several kind of brushes.

Try put put a "dot" down with the airbrush, grab it with the animbrush, and start drawing.
Make the stroke overlap several times.
Now compare this with what you get with the 'real' airbrush.

Re: Brush type that has all options available

Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 14:12
by k00kla
Thanks for the explanation. That makes sense :) I've used the anim brush technique and it works pretty well, but it would be nice to be able to have all of the anim brush options available on a standard brush that I can tweak the profile of on the fly instead of creating another anim brush sample. It would be nice to have that option, but I'll make do. Thanks!