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Updating custom panels

Posted: 07 Mar 2014, 10:04
by Kramme
Hi everyone,

I made a set of custom panels for the project I am working on, and I was wondering if there was a way to add an action that would update these custom panels?
I put them on a shared drive, so all the computers can access the .tvpx files I saved.

I tried writing a script using the tv_loadProject command but it only gives me the "loading extension..." dialogue boxes but when I click OK nothing actually happens.

Is this something anyone has tried before or has an idea of how to do?

Re: Updating custom panels

Posted: 07 Mar 2014, 10:36
by Mads Juul
Kramme wrote:
I tried writing a script using the tv_loadProject command but it only gives me the "loading extension..." dialogue boxes but when I click OK nothing actually happens.
I never tried it before. But I just tested it.
If you click "Force Reinstall" the panel will be imported or updated at my computer