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Pick two colors? FG / BG

Posted: 15 Mar 2014, 10:49
by CartoonMonkey
Is there a way to pick both colors at the same time? Foreground and background?

I would like to select a light color from the screen or palette, and have a matching, slightly darker color be picked automatically for the background..
(For a brush I'm making..)


Re: Pick two colors? FG / BG

Posted: 15 Mar 2014, 15:03
by ZigOtto
CartoonMonkey wrote:Is there a way to pick both colors at the same time? Foreground and background?

I would like to select a light color from the screen or palette, and have a matching, slightly darker color be picked automatically for the background..
(For a brush I'm making..)

sure,for this job, george is your friend ! :)

you can pick the related lines of the code (setting colB from colA setting, % lighter or darker)
in the script of the watercolor brushes plug from the content sharing,
from memory, a couple o brushes work with a colB derivated from colA.

ps: here's the "BfromAGrgCmd" script : download/file.php?id=2599
of course, you can tweak the level of change as you want ... 8)

Re: Pick two colors? FG / BG

Posted: 15 Mar 2014, 15:04
by Svengali
I almost always select AB colors in pairs for the brushes I make. You can setup a custom STORE AB button using one of the Tool Grabber commands:


Each time you click your custom pick AB button, it automatically generates a new, unique color button where the current B color is the background and the current A color is a superimposed circle. You can quickly setup a whole custom panel of such pairs for any project.

Note that each new AB color button is added to the bottom of the panel and can then be moved to which ever subset you want. Clicking any color icon assigns the APen and BPen to have the values stored inside that button.
Custom AB Color Panel.jpg
Custom AB Color Panel.jpg (15.3 KiB) Viewed 8265 times
oops! ===============================================================================

Re-reading your question, I see that what you really want is the ability to select an existing color from the frame as the APen and have a slightly darker version of that color automatically assigned to the BPen. Hmm.

Check out the button command = KeyStroke Key:Color:Luminosity -

It only works by decrementing luminosity one unit at a time, if you knew how many units you wanted, you could probably setup a button that would first copy APen to BPen, then decrement APen x number of units (repeating the Key:Color:Luminosity - command) then swap APen and BPen something like this:
Luminosity button script.jpg
Luminosity button script.jpg (41.66 KiB) Viewed 8265 times
Note that this would be a much easier thing to do if GEORGE had a command that let you set Hue, Saturation and/or Luminosity amounts for the APen and BPen colors directly... (requested before)


Re: Pick two colors? FG / BG

Posted: 16 Mar 2014, 19:38
by CartoonMonkey
Ah thank you! That works perfectly.
Uploading my new brushes to content sharing..