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about "modify project"

Posted: 23 Apr 2014, 11:07
by Zetariver
Hello. I want to ask about "Modify project".(Project - Modify Project)
For example, I made a project file, that is width 10 height 10. And I resize it using modify project to w 10 h 6.
I thought it will crop upper and bottom equally, 2 pixel from up and 2 pixel from bottom, but it's not.
it's 1 from up and 3 from bottom. It crops 2 more pixels from bottom.
It's like these pictures. 1 square = 1 pixel
original.png (822 Bytes) Viewed 8697 times
cropped.png (773 Bytes) Viewed 8697 times

I tried other resolution. When I modify height 100 project to height 80, it's not 10 from up and 10 from bottom, but 9 from up and 11 from bottom. And Height 100 to 60 results in not 20 from up and 20 from bottom, but 19 from up and 21 from bottom.
But "modify project "cropped Width equally. When I resize width 10 to width 6, it's 2 from left 2 from right. There is no gap.

What is this 2 pixel height gap of "modify project"?

Re: about "modify project"

Posted: 23 Apr 2014, 12:08
by Elodie
Hello Zetariver,

I split the topic because "Crop tool" and "Modify project" are two different features and so, their problem may be different (Thank you for your feedbacks !)

Re: about "modify project"

Posted: 23 Apr 2014, 12:19
by Elodie
modify project problem.png
modify project problem.png (7.22 KiB) Viewed 8689 times
So I made some tests and I agree, there is something to fix here :)

Re: about "modify project"

Posted: 23 Apr 2014, 12:43
by Zetariver
OK. Thank you for your reply. I tried to modify much bigger project. 1280x1160 to 1280x580. I needed to put images on center and crop upper and bottom blank areas.But if I use modify project,I always get 1 blank pixel area on top of the project. This is the reason.

Re: about "modify project"

Posted: 23 Apr 2014, 13:08
by Elodie
I added it in our "to fix" list :)