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file naming conventions for export

Posted: 18 Jun 2014, 20:23
by davidbk
I was wondering if TVPaint has naming conventions for exporting sequences. I would like to export files using the format "[file_name]_[layer_name]_[####].tif" and I was wondering if there was a way to do this so that "####" updates automatically based on the in/out point (just like in After Effects).


Re: file naming conventions for export

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 05:59
by Elodie
Hmm, not sure to understand what you mean by " based on the in/out point"

Re: file naming conventions for export

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 14:11
by neonnoodle
Do you mean that if you choose to export frames 42-75, for example, that the file naming takes the name of the frame in the clip/project? Because this would be nice.

Re: file naming conventions for export

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 15:53
by davidbk
neonnoodle that's exactly what I mean. Elodie, in the export panel you can Mark In/Out, and I would like these numbers to be reflected in the file name. For example, if my sequence was named "dog_0001.tif" and I wanted to export from 47-75, then the first file to export would be "dog_0047.tif".

Is there way to use a variable in the file name? For example, in After Effects you can use "[####]" to specify the frame number, where the number of hash tags represents the number of digits in the name.

Re: file naming conventions for export

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 16:18
by Fabrice
ok got it.
Right now, if you name your file frame_0047.tif in the text box , the counter should start from #0047.

Re: file naming conventions for export

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 16:30
by davidbk
Thanks Fabrice, I appreciate your solution but my question was more concerning whether or not it's possible to use a variable in the file name. Your solution works, but sometimes my frame numbering starts at 1, sometimes it starts at 0, and sometimes it starts at an arbitrary point on the timeline and the file numbers don't necessarily correlate to the timeline frame numbers. I was wondering if there was an easy way to use a variable to keep everything consistent. If not, I guess I just need to be more consistent in my numbering conventions...

Re: file naming conventions for export

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 16:39
by Fabrice
davidbk wrote:Thanks Fabrice, I appreciate your solution but my question was more concerning whether or not it's possible to use a variable in the file name. Your solution works, but sometimes my frame numbering starts at 1, sometimes it starts at 0, and sometimes it starts at an arbitrary point on the timeline and the file numbers don't necessarily correlate to the timeline frame numbers. I was wondering if there was an easy way to use a variable to keep everything consistent. If not, I guess I just need to be more consistent in my numbering conventions...
ok, it makes sense. In that way, it would be automatic, everytime you use [####].
We have nothing like that now, so I add it to our TODO list (to be honest, it comes along a similar request I had when travelling in Australia)

Re: file naming conventions for export

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 21:46
by davidbk
Fabrice wrote:ok, it makes sense. In that way, it would be automatic, everytime you use [####].
We have nothing like that now, so I add it to our TODO list (to be honest, it comes along a similar request I had when travelling in Australia)
Thanks! Another feature that might be nice to have in the export dialogue box is the option of automatically creating a new subfolder for the exported image sequences. I often find myself having to do this manually every time. Photoshop has a check-box like this when you render video.

Re: file naming conventions for export

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 21:48
by Fabrice
To continue with this request, we should have a way to add the clip and project name.
Does someone need something else ?

Re: file naming conventions for export

Posted: 19 Jun 2014, 21:49
by Fabrice
We posted at the same time. :)
Thanks! Another feature that might be nice to have in the export dialogue box is the option of automatically creating a new subfolder for the exported image sequences.
Did you try the .csv export ? It might help too, although not perfect yet.

Re: file naming conventions for export

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 20:13
by furushil
Fabrice wrote:To continue with this request, we should have a way to add the clip and project name.
I am not sure if I understood correctly but I have a question related to this:
Sometimes the project name is for example "Sq10_animation". When I export a PNG sequence, I name the file "Sq10_animation_" and I get :arrow: "Sq10_animation_" "Sq11_animation_" "Sq12_animation_"...
but I want "Sq10_animation_01"; "Sq10_animation_02"; "Sq10_animation_03".
If I didn't overlook a checkbox for that, than it would be good to have the project name included in the exported sequence -as you said.

Re: file naming conventions for export

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 20:47
by Svengali
add zeros to the end of the filename: Sq10_animation_0000.png


Re: file naming conventions for export

Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 21:29
by furushil
Svengali wrote:add zeros to the end of the filename: Sq10_animation_0000.png

Oh, ok that must be it. Thank you. I usually named it "animation_name_" and got the numbers at the end.

Re: file naming conventions for export

Posted: 21 Jun 2014, 08:41
by Elodie
furushil wrote:
Svengali wrote:add zeros to the end of the filename: Sq10_animation_0000.png

Oh, ok that must be it. Thank you. I usually named it "animation_name_" and got the numbers at the end.
Yes, but if you do have a number in your name, the numbers will change if you export as a sequence.

Anyway, I did not it could have an influence if numbers was "in the file's name" (like "SQ10_animation"), I thought it was an influence only on numbers at the end of the title (like "animation_SQ10").
Even when you work for TVPaint, there are still new things to discover :mrgreen:

Re: file naming conventions for export

Posted: 26 Jun 2014, 19:13
by schwarzgrau
I really like the idea. So if you got a long sequence you could export the whole sequence as png sequence and if you want to make corrections, you could only re-export the parts, where you made your corrections and it would match the already rendered sequence.