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How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 24 Aug 2014, 04:54
by codywalzel
Windows 7,
64 bit
TVPaint 10 Professional

I've been setting up preferences and reading the manual and have found just about everything I need to get started, but there is just one more thing I could really use. There is a function in Photoshop that I'd love to know how to replicate.

I know holding shift allows a user to draw perfectly straight horizontal and vertical lines in both programs, and a perfect 45 degree in TVP, but in Photoshop you can also: place a mark -hold shift- and place another mark, to draw a perfectly straight diagonal line of your choice. This can be achieved with any custom tool preset or brush that has the 'shape dynamics' field unchecked. I know in TVP this can be done using the line tool, but I'd like to be able to do this using the edge qualities of certain brushes.

Re: How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 24 Aug 2014, 12:08
by Sewie
Yes, I have been looking a feature like this as well. It'd be very useful for quick sketching assignments but I haven't found a way to do these lines properly in TVPaint.
To give an example: there might be assignments where lines like those in the background of the storyboard below (verticals, horizontals and diagonals of varying angles) are wished for by the client:

(The image was made by Emanuel Wiemans, btw.)

In photoshop it's a piece of cake and I really wish it'd be as easy in TVPaint. But perhaps someone knows a way of achieving this that I have overlooked?

Re: How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 24 Aug 2014, 12:09
by Sewie
Here's another storyboard example by the great sketch artist, Tamar Nelwan.
Again, I am referring to the straight lines in the background. There are situations and assignments where lines like these can be very appropriate (and quite tasteful, I find) like in the examples I posted.


Re: How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 24 Aug 2014, 17:24
by codywalzel
I just realized that using the line tool with any activated custom brush allows you to place diagonal lines of your choosing with the edge qualities of that brush. So both specific perspective lines, and nice brush techniques can be had at once! This solves the shift-stroke question for me! :D

Re: How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 24 Aug 2014, 18:58
by Sewie
Good for you, Cody.

Doesn't really solve it for me, though. When I use a custombrush, or any brush, with the line tool (from the main panel) I get a very hard expressionless line.

What I would like is a straight (diagonal) line with (for example) pressure control, either, thinkness controlled by pressure, or opacity. But preferably both. Is this somehow possible?

Re: How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 24 Aug 2014, 20:26
by furushil
Sewie wrote:What I would like is a straight (diagonal) line with (for example) pressure control
Yes, me too. :D
Count me in.

I have not found a way to do that.

Re: How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 24 Aug 2014, 21:35
by codywalzel
Its interesting because the program seems capable of handling such a feature, there is just no option to enable it. If I've turned on the pressure sensitive parameters for opacity and scale for a given tool, then the line tool for a stroke shows it as such while the user is drawing it. Yet when I let go to complete the stroke, it abandons the opacity and scale sensitivity. Maybe an easy potential option for future updates?

Re: How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 24 Aug 2014, 21:41
by Fabrice
You can connect opacity, size, etc ... to "Fade", then tweak the profile curve.

Re: How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 24 Aug 2014, 21:48
by codywalzel
Awesome, that works for me!

Re: How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 24 Aug 2014, 22:06
by Fabrice
it also works with the spline tools.

Re: How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 25 Aug 2014, 11:21
by furushil
Yes, this works perfectly.

Re: How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 01:27
by pixelpusher
Fabrice wrote:You can connect opacity, size, etc ... to "Fade", then tweak the profile curve.
Hi Fabrice,
I like to think that I have a good working knowledge of TV Paint, but I do not understand this "connection" of a fade to the drawing of a static curve or line.
I use fades often as a FX on a layer over time, but I don't see how this works.
Could you explain a bit further the process involved?

Re: How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 08:17
by Fabrice
hello Casey,

Here are more informations about the "Fade" connection.

Re: How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 18:16
by furushil
Fabrice wrote:hello Casey,

Here are more informations about the "Fade" connection.
Strangely, I cannot get the profile editor and the line tool work together for "fade".

It is working with the stroke tool but...
stroke.png (76.21 KiB) Viewed 26844 times
... nothing is happening when using the line tool.
line tool.png
line tool.png (70.55 KiB) Viewed 26844 times
Am I doing something wrong?

When I change the profile editor I get some lines with the line tool but not the desired result.

Re: How to Shift-Stroke?

Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 20:37
by pixelpusher
Fabrice wrote:hello Casey,

Here are more informations about the "Fade" connection.
Thanks for the refresher on this!