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How to make Transform Tool stretch vertical or Horizontal?

Posted: 18 Jan 2015, 03:53
by codywalzel
Windows 7,
64 bit
TVPaint 10 Professional

I often want to use the transform tool to make a selection stretch vertical or horizontal, but not both.

1.JPG (38.3 KiB) Viewed 8909 times
always constrains proportions and becomes this:
2.JPG (35.96 KiB) Viewed 8909 times
When possibly what I want is this:
3.JPG (34.9 KiB) Viewed 8909 times
Any suggestions?

Re: How to make Transform Tool stretch vertical or Horizonta

Posted: 18 Jan 2015, 08:19
by slowtiger
There are programs which create a new bounding box for each transformation (TVP, PS), and programs which remember the original bounding box from creating an item (AI). In the latter software you can stretch an ellipse the way you want. In TVP, you can either 1. turn the ellipse so its axes are parallel to XY, 2. elongate, 3. turn back to position. Or use the Warp tool.

Re: How to make Transform Tool stretch vertical or Horizonta

Posted: 18 Jan 2015, 22:39
by codywalzel
I see now the warp tool, this answers my questions! Thank you!