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Scene mirrored and flipped.

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 15:25
by bekibunny
I work as a technician in an animation department at an art school in Vancouver, Canada.
I have a question; a student has managed to mirror and flip their entire scene (back to front and upside down). I told them about the modify project: rotation option, but they say that is at 0.
So I'm wondering, is there any other way she could have done this to her scene? She says she changes the project rotation to get it back to normal but it doesn't save it, so she has to do that every time she opens it.


Re: Scene mirrored and flipped.

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 15:54
by D.T. Nethery
bekibunny wrote:Hi,
I work as a technician in an animation department at an art school in Vancouver, Canada.
I have a question; a student has managed to mirror and flip their entire scene (back to front and upside down). I told them about the modify project: rotation option, but they say that is at 0.
So I'm wondering, is there any other way she could have done this to her scene? She says she changes the project rotation to get it back to normal but it doesn't save it, so she has to do that every time she opens it.

It would be easier to diagnose the issue if you could upload the student's .tvpp file . (or a Dropbox link or other file sharing service link if the .tvpp file is too large to upload as an attachment on the forum0

It seems to me that the student may have unintentionally applied the Distortion > Flip FX in the FX Stack. (or could use Distortion > Flip to fix the incorrect orientation of the scene as it is now)

Re: Scene mirrored and flipped.

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 15:59
by Sewie
There's this in the main menu:
'Image' > 'Modify' > 'Flip Horizontally & Vertically'.

It applies to all selected frames.
I told them about the modify project: rotation option, but they say that is at 0.
It would be at 0 if it's already flipped, it resets itself. Why not just flip it again using 'Modify Project'?

Re: Scene mirrored and flipped.

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 20:03
by bekibunny
Sewie wrote:There's this in the main menu:
'Image' > 'Modify' > 'Flip Horizontally & Vertically'.

It applies to all selected frames.
I told them about the modify project: rotation option, but they say that is at 0.
It would be at 0 if it's already flipped, it resets itself. Why not just flip it again using 'Modify Project'?
Does modify project: rotation also mirror? because she says it is flipped and mirrored. its unfortunate that I haven't actually seen her scene yet, she's supposed to be bringing it in thursday for me to look at.

Re: Scene mirrored and flipped.

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 20:12
by Sewie
No, it only rotates. I just checked.

If this still baffles you by thursday I think we will be able to see what happened if you post a screenshot. Or better, upload the file as Dave suggested.

Re: Scene mirrored and flipped.

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 20:15
by bekibunny
Sewie wrote:No, it only rotates. I just checked.

If this still baffles you by thursday I think we will be able to see what happened if you post a screenshot. Or better, upload the file as Dave suggested.
Ok, thanks, oh one more thing, her instructor apparently told her her camera settings were kind of weird; that couldn't have anything to do with it, could it?

Re: Scene mirrored and flipped.

Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 20:17
by Sewie
You mean the camera in the 'Main Panel'? I don't think that could be it...

Re: Scene mirrored and flipped.

Posted: 17 Mar 2015, 09:36
by ZigOtto
yeap, first Reset the Camera, (or toggle off the camera view),
then check if you haven't (inadvertently) checked the View / Flip Horizontaly and Flip Verticaly
maybe only the playback view is mirrored and flipped, not the "real" images.

Re: Scene mirrored and flipped.

Posted: 19 Mar 2015, 15:36
by D.T. Nethery
bekibunny wrote: Ok, thanks, oh one more thing, her instructor apparently told her her camera settings were kind of weird; that couldn't have anything to do with it, could it?
Possibly . The Camera Tool settings include "Rotation" , so if rotation got set to 180° ...
Try re-setting the camera . Command > Reset . (or just manually reset the rotation to )
Reset Camera Tool Rotation.jpg
Reset Camera Tool Rotation.jpg (35.95 KiB) Viewed 27664 times

Re: Scene mirrored and flipped.

Posted: 19 Mar 2015, 22:05
by bekibunny
I have her scene with me, but I can't see how to upload it to this forum; how do you attach a file?

Re: Scene mirrored and flipped.

Posted: 19 Mar 2015, 22:35
by bekibunny
Yay, we solved it!
We did 2 steps:

1) Project/Modify project/rotation - 180 to get it right side up

2) Effects/Distortion/Flip - flipped all layers and instances horizontally to get it back the right way left to right. A couple of layers didn't flip with the rest of them, but we did those individually and that worked.

Thanks for all your help everyone!

Re: Scene mirrored and flipped.

Posted: 10 Jun 2020, 01:45
by toonybrain
I just happened to draw something, then turn away for a second and when I looked back at my animation, all the frames were upside down.

From life experiences I should've learned that the simplest things are usually the problem, but I didn't. So instead I flipped all my layers and images vertically, but I was at a loss as to exactly what I had done to turn them upside down.

As I continued to work, it dawned on me that somehow I had inadvertently turned the animation disk 180 degrees when I had looked away for a second. Once I reset the animation disk, all my cels turned upside down again (because I had flipped them), so I had to undo all the flipping that I had done.

Just wanted to put my two cents out there in case anyone else finds they did the same thing.


Re: Scene mirrored and flipped.

Posted: 10 Jun 2020, 08:44
by slowtiger
That's a nice one!