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How to create a brush with Panto source setting?

Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 10:52
by Soom
Since recently I started using a pen with Panto setting to redraw parts of other drawings. I usually need to use 2 different sources for it - part from a previous image, and part from a spare.
Today I wanted to create 2 different brushes, which would have the source setting defined already, so I don't need to change it every time in the Shape Settings panel (my 12" Cintiq is not made of rubber - not enough space on screen to keep even more panels :)), but I didn't find any function or shortcut that would lead to selecting the Source in the Shape Settings...
Is there any way to do it? some easy scripting perhaps?

Re: How to create a brush with Panto source setting?

Posted: 25 Sep 2015, 13:15
by Fabrice
ok, next build we will do our best to add shortcuts for this.

Re: How to create a brush with Panto source setting?

Posted: 30 Sep 2015, 13:06
by Soom
Cool, thanks for consideration!

Re: How to create a brush with Panto source setting?

Posted: 09 Oct 2015, 09:44
by Mike
You already have george command to manage source of the "Shape Settings" panel:

Code: Select all

tv_healingsource "current|before|after|display|paper|spare" [PositionX PositionY]
You can make an action in a custom panel by selecting "Embeded George script" and type:

Code: Select all

tv_healingsource "spare"
Each time you click, the "spare" entry will be selected in the "Shape settings" popup.
Make another action to set your second choice.

And if you want a shortcut, once you have the action (with a name) in a custom panel, you can assign it in the shortcuts panel.

(Moreover, you can make just one script to toggle between 2 sources)

Re: How to create a brush with Panto source setting?

Posted: 10 Oct 2015, 18:15
by ZigOtto
Mike wrote:You already have george command to manage source of the "Shape Settings" panel:

Code: Select all

tv_healingsource "current|before|after|display|paper|spare" [PositionX PositionY]
You can make an action in a custom panel by selecting "Embeded George script" and type:

Code: Select all

tv_healingsource "spare"
Each time you click, the "spare" entry will be selected in the "Shape settings" popup.
Make another action to set your second choice.

And if you want a shortcut, once you have the action (with a name) in a custom panel, you can assign it in the shortcuts panel.

(Moreover, you can make just one script to toggle between 2 sources)
cool ! 8)
does this tv_healingsource command work for the Panto source as well ?
... or a tv_pantosource command is also existing independently ?

Re: How to create a brush with Panto source setting?

Posted: 11 Oct 2015, 00:12
by Soom
Cool, that actually worked! (except the "after", I guess because it doesn't exist in 10.5)
There is just one little glitch - if I create two different actions for the same tool, they both get highlighted, despite the different george script. It's a little bit confusing, but not a big deal...
Thanks Mike!

Re: How to create a brush with Panto source setting?

Posted: 12 Oct 2015, 07:12
by Mike
ZigOtto wrote:does this tv_healingsource command work for the Panto source as well ?

Re: How to create a brush with Panto source setting?

Posted: 12 Oct 2015, 18:11
by Svengali
Mike wrote:(Moreover, you can make just one script to toggle between 2 sources)
Here's a simple embed-able script that will toggle the source between previous frame and spare buffer. After toggling, It also notifies which source has been activated in the infobar.

Code: Select all

// PantoBrush.grg
// Select Panto as brush and toggle source between  Previous Frame and Spare
Param none
parse result Mode Px Py
IF CMP(Mode, "spare")
	tv_HealingSource "before"
	tv_Infobar "PantoSource = Previous Image"
	tv_HealingSource "spare"
	tv_Infobar "PantoSource = Spare"

(Soom: If you find this useful, could you describe how you are using the "PantoBrush" and the sources in your work?)

Re: How to create a brush with Panto source setting?

Posted: 12 Oct 2015, 23:10
by Soom
Svengali wrote: (Soom: If you find this useful, could you describe how you are using the "PantoBrush" and the sources in your work?)
Extremely useful! I am using it recently very much.
When I have to move just part of a character, and some other part stays still, I use the panto previous to quickly paint the still parts from previous image.
As for switching between sources - well, many times I reuse parts from some other drawing, let's say - a correction layer, with just some lines different from the whole drawing. So to combine this and the still parts, I have to switch the brush between sources. Let me know if you need some more elaborated example.

Re: How to create a brush with Panto source setting?

Posted: 12 Oct 2015, 23:15
by Soom
Svengali wrote:After toggling, It also notifies which source has been activated in the infobar.
This script is working, except, that I don't see any notification - where is it suppose to appear?

Re: How to create a brush with Panto source setting?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015, 00:34
by Svengali
Soom wrote:This script is working, except, that I don't see any notification - where is it suppose to appear?
Infobar = Information Bar which runs across the bottom of the interface...
Infobar - Information bar.jpg
Infobar - Information bar.jpg (22.16 KiB) Viewed 27783 times
Thanks for the workflow details. I'm glad you asked about assigning Panto source - I didn't know about that George command and it will come in handy! :D


Re: How to create a brush with Panto source setting?

Posted: 13 Oct 2015, 09:12
by Soom
My infobar is empty... (TVP 10.5, Mac OS 10.10.5)