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Brush problem after using selection tool

Posted: 05 Nov 2015, 13:34
by Ceres
Hi there,

I have a quite annoying problem on my TVpaint since I bought it :/
I'm drawing, and then each time I select something else like selection tool (selection main levée, outil de découpe, etc), and I go back to the brush, the brush doesn't work (f2 colour mode, or f4 eraser, or anything.. nothing works)
This problem is there only in my current film's specific files (if I go from selection tool to brush on a random new tvp file, it works)

It's not a problem of drawing somewhere outside the selection (I clic on 'supprimer la selection', everything is fine)

Any idea of what could it be? :/ maybe it's super silly/easy to solve??
Is it linked to the files?
At the moment each time I'm using the selection tool and going back to the brush, it doesn't work, so I close and reopen the software... which is quite annoying

Thank you very much!


Re: Brush problem after using selection tool

Posted: 05 Nov 2015, 13:38
by Elodie
Welcome here !

It can be so many things ^^

Could you please send a screenshot including whole TVPaint interface ?

Re: Brush problem after using selection tool

Posted: 05 Nov 2015, 14:01
by Ceres

Thank you for your quick answer!

Re: Brush problem after using selection tool

Posted: 05 Nov 2015, 14:32
by Elodie
A stencil (mask or selection) is enable. Disable it by clicking on this icon :


Re: Brush problem after using selection tool

Posted: 05 Nov 2015, 14:53
by Ceres
Thank you so much o_o my life will be so much better from now on.
haha ;)

Re: Brush problem after using selection tool

Posted: 05 Nov 2015, 16:29
by Elodie
A ton service ! :mrgreen: