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Variable size for buttons and brushes

Posted: 04 Feb 2016, 00:24
by juansolimar
Hi, im looking at the overview of the software call "paintstorm" and i saw something amazing, and i think "could tvpaint do this?" because it would be a great way to organize eaven more the pannels and specially the brushes

in 2:38 of this video you can see it in action

Re: Variable size for buttons and brushes

Posted: 04 Feb 2016, 11:58
by Elodie
Not exactly that way, but that's very interesting ! Thank you for sharing !

Re: Variable size for buttons and brushes

Posted: 04 Feb 2016, 12:08
by schwarzgrau
Wow I'm always impressed what clever interface ideas come from small companys I never heard of before, instead of creating another Photoshop clone.

Re: Variable size for buttons and brushes

Posted: 04 Feb 2016, 12:17
by slowtiger
I just ordered. For 19$ it's worth a try.

Re: Variable size for buttons and brushes

Posted: 10 Feb 2016, 18:19
by juansolimar
slowtiger wrote:I just ordered. For 19$ it's worth a try.
let us know if worth it :)