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a reference style manual (and japanese translation)

Posted: 11 Feb 2016, 05:07
by Jerome Boulbes
hello everyone

I understand how time consuming it is to write, update and translate a manual but, being in the middle of the learning process, I thought I should write some comments about it.

- As a tutorial, the manual is great, pedagogic and progressive, well illustrated and pleasant to read.

- But as a reference, it a bit irritating I must say : when you want to understand a specific option, get all the explanations of a specific panel or just remember a small point. You spend most of your time searching where the explanation is in : in the "first steps ?" or "additional function" ? or "advanced functions" ? Of course there is a search function, but that is never as fast as a logical reference.

So my feature request is: a purely reference manual, where every tool/panel is listed in logical order and with an exhaustive explanation of the options - but without tutorial and step by step procedures - aside the current manual.
(of course I understand that, should it be done, I won't have a use for it anymore. I'm requesting it for future learners)


Second request is a faster translation of the manual in japanese. It seems that TVPaint has made Japan a commercial target recently, and there is definitely a business opportunity here. But the resistance to english language, inability to understand it, and most of all, the anxiety in front of any english text is something that foreigners largely underestimate. Eespecially when they mostly deal with business partner and big universities. But for the average graphic artist and animator, they see the english manual the same way we see the Retas japanese-only manual : not welcoming.
Add to this that today's art students aren't so fond of computers and for most of them are unwilling to randomly twitch buttons and experiments unknown tools, and you have them turning to photoshop (or even SAI) to animate, while they have TVP installed in the same machine... :cry:

Then again, I understand how much time consuming it is...



Re: a reference style manual (and japanese translation)

Posted: 11 Feb 2016, 06:00
by Elodie
Hi again Jérôme :)

Thank you for your feedback about the manual.
So my feature request is: a purely reference manual, where every tool/panel is listed in logical order and with an exhaustive explanation of the options - but without tutorial and step by step procedures - aside the current manual.
The issue with logic : it's quite subjective ! Most options don't make sense if you only explain what they do, without concrete and visual examples. Plus, some features can be used in different purposes, so what is logical for an animator won't be logical for a storyboard artist (for instance).

Maybe we can rename the unclear categories (first steps / advanced features etc.) ?


Regarding Japanese market : our translator was mainly working on subtitling free English tutorials (15 videos, almost 2 hours of free learning to get started with TVPaint).
Now, he will focus back on the User guide :)

BTW, if you can attend ACTF this week-end, I heartily encourage you to see TVPaint's conference. Our crew will announce some very good news related to Japanes market :wink:

Re: a reference style manual (and japanese translation)

Posted: 11 Feb 2016, 12:11
by Jerome Boulbes
Elodie wrote:
The issue with logic : it's quite subjective ! Most options don't make sense if you only explain what they do, without concrete and visual examples. Plus, some features can be used in different purposes, so what is logical for an animator won't be logical for a storyboard artist (for instance).

Maybe we can rename the unclear categories (first steps / advanced features etc.) ?
By logical, I meant , like in the "reference" for most softwares, in the order of the interface, panels, and sub panels.
And all concerning one specific tool/panel in one place.

The idea behind a "reference" is that you're not talking to beginners, but to advanced users who just need a refresh on a specific point, or new users who know enough about computer graphics / animation that they don't need a tutorial : just straight to the point.

Renaming unclear categories would be a good step though.
Elodie wrote:
Regarding Japanese market : our translator was mainly working on subtitling free English tutorials (15 videos, almost 2 hours of free learning to get started with TVPaint).
Now, he will focus back on the User guide :)
Good to know, I'll check those tutorials. I tend to avoid video tutorials, as it is difficult to have a global view beforehands of the content and the quality of it, or to jump to the next point. But I understand most people like them, so it's OK.
Elodie wrote: BTW, if you can attend ACTF this week-end, I heartily encourage you to see TVPaint's conference. Our crew will announce some very good news related to Japanes market :wink:
A bit too far away for me, but I hope it will annouced later on the forum ??

Re: a reference style manual (and japanese translation)

Posted: 11 Feb 2016, 12:52
by Elodie
Jerome Boulbes wrote:The idea behind a "reference" is that you're not talking to beginners, but to advanced users who just need a refresh on a specific point, or new users who know enough about computer graphics / animation that they don't need a tutorial : just straight to the point.
Ok I understand.
Good to know, I'll check those tutorials. I tend to avoid video tutorials, as it is difficult to have a global view beforehands of the content and the quality of it, or to jump to the next point. But I understand most people like them, so it's OK.
I know, I feel the same (but we were asked so often to make tutorials... :roll: ). But I understand some people prefer a support on video.
Since I have recorded the tutorials, I prefer now doing technical support by recording a short, custom video rather than losing 2 hours to write text and shoot my screen. :D

Regarding ACTF : yes, we will surely announce the big news about Japanese market later.