how to get this look
Posted: 17 Mar 2016, 02:53
I suspect this was done in Photoshop and I've seen this kind of outside texture/inside opaque look lots of times.
If I use an oil brush with light turned of and a paper selected I can get this Nice but not quite like the image above.
I'm also not crazy about that halo area along the edge of the color, where the color mixes with the background color creating a sliver of darker color.
The look in the image on the top could be achieved in traditional media with Gouache on water color paper for example. Can it be done in TVP?
How would I achieve this in TVP? Papers are great for texture, but it creates texture also on the inside.If I use an oil brush with light turned of and a paper selected I can get this Nice but not quite like the image above.
I'm also not crazy about that halo area along the edge of the color, where the color mixes with the background color creating a sliver of darker color.
The look in the image on the top could be achieved in traditional media with Gouache on water color paper for example. Can it be done in TVP?