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Pen cursor problem (changing to an arrow)

Posted: 04 Apr 2016, 19:37
by David_Fine
I was pleased to read about 11.03: [MacOSX] The cursor should no longer switch to an arrow ! Sadly, I now have the opposite problem and the pointer has turned into an arrow and nothing will get it back. Not even restarting TVPaint. This makes drawing a real problem as I have this huge pointer in the way. I fear I will have to downgrade to 11.02, but I am hoping there is a quick solution.

Also, while I am here, how do you change the pivot point when using the Transform tool? This is a listed revision, but I don't see info about how to achieve it.

Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 04 Apr 2016, 21:43
by Fabrice
David, we can find a solution only if you tell us how to reproduce the problem.

About the pivot point : just move it (drag'n drop) directly on the HUD.

Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 04 Apr 2016, 22:10
by David_Fine
I don't know how to reproduce the problem because it just happens out of the blue. The cursor is the black arrow pointer and nothing will change it back to the dot that I usually use, or any other option. In the previous version, this would also happen, but the fix was to click outside the drawing area and back again and it would seem to refresh the pointer. Now that doesn't fix it.

As regards the transform tool, I figured it out. :D I was actually trying to grab the handle, thinking that would move the whole thing rather than grabbing the centre point thing. By the way, as a lefty, it would be nice if the handle could be left or right as my hand blocks the item I am transforming, but this new addition is great. Thanks!

Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 04 Apr 2016, 23:05
by D.T. Nethery
David -

For the Transform Tool pivot point does this help -


Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 05 Apr 2016, 01:25
by David_Fine
Good video, thanks. I did figure it out though.

As regards the pointer issue, I restarted the whole computer and that fixed it, but obviously that's a pain every time that happens and as I say, previously the resolution was just to click somewhere outside the drawing area. I note that something has been "fixed" in this regard, but it appears to have caused another side effect.

Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 05 Apr 2016, 02:34
by Svengali
What happens if you set the cursor of your choice in the Preferences>Interface tab?

Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 05 Apr 2016, 16:20
by David_Fine
I tried that. It doesn't fix it. Anyone else on a Mac having this issue, or only me?

Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 05 Apr 2016, 17:03
by slowtiger
TVP 10.0.18 32 on Mac Pro 10.6.8: all cursors behave as expected.

TVP 11.0.3 64 on Mac Pro 10.6.8: cross and point cursors work as expected. Arrow outside TVP, changes to cross/point once cursor is over project window. Stays arrow when over palettes/timeline.
Circle cursor: first time works as expected. Outside TVP, in: arrow. Change (in prefs) to cross: normal behavior. Change (in prefs) to circle: arrow, without even being outside TVP. Once I even got an hourglass cursor.

TVP 11.0.3 64 on Mac Pro 10.9.5: same as on 10.6.8. (Mouse only, no Cintiq/tablet.)

Observation: seems to ignore project window only, not complete TVP window.

Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 07:03
by Elodie
On TVPaint 11.0.3 - March 22th beta - 64 bit - Mac OS 10.11.3 :
Cross, arrow, point, pen 1 2 3 4 are working as expecting.
Circle keeps it as an arrow, so circle is the only cursor that does not behave as expecting (I also had the hourglass with the Beta)

Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 17:07
by David_Fine
I always use "point". Right now, it's behaving, but every so often it just changes to the arrow pointer and only a complete computer restart fixes it. As I say, this was an issue before, but never needed to restart the computer to fix it until 11.0.3.

Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 17:09
by Fabrice
sorry to ask again, but how to reproduce ?

Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 05:39
by Elodie
Could you record your issue ?

Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 07 Apr 2016, 22:23
by David_Fine
I'm not sure what I can record to demonstrate it. I can only record it once it's happened as it only happens every so often. It was happening more often and just now, it's not doing it. If it does do it, what I would record is just the pointer being the pointer. Are you looking to see something else that I can show you?

Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 08 Apr 2016, 04:26
by Elodie
That's actually what we would like to catch : the moment where the normal cursor is going wrong.

You can use screenflow and let it record as a background task and if it catches the aforementioned moment, just delete the extra and send us the screenflow file.

Re: Pen cursor problem in 11.03

Posted: 08 Apr 2016, 17:42
by David_Fine
Since I first posted this problem a few days ago and restarted my Mac, it has not happened again, although it has happened in the past since upgrading to 11.0.3. So recording for days on end is not really practical, I'm afraid. All I can say is that this has been a problem since the newest version and you said you addressed the previous problem of the cursor changing, so I suspect it is related to that change, maybe?