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Active custom button indicator

Posted: 21 May 2016, 12:54
by schwarzgrau
I'm building a custom panel which all functions I constantly use, to reduce the clutter of too many panels. There I added a button for Mark-In-Point, which works like it should. Unfortunately I can't see if the in-point is active or not, if the green mark is outside of my range.
Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-21 um 14.48.55.png
Bildschirmfoto 2016-05-21 um 14.48.55.png (22.9 KiB) Viewed 10219 times
But if a brush is selected you can see it, cause it has a darker background (on my panel left). Would it be possible to implement a function to access the darker background of a button through george scripting ? (sorry for the confusing sentence)