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Re: -100 saturation for selected clips 1 button each

Posted: 26 Feb 2021, 22:21
by D.T. Nethery
Animationriver wrote: 26 Feb 2021, 21:53
In my first post I wrote that color pictures are not delivered to my computer immediately. And during the day. I know that I can make 100 pictures black and white by putting them on one layer. But I have to work with the moment of learning the picture at different times.
As the new photos come in you can add them to the project Timeline on a new layer. Then repeat the same process to turn them B & W and Split them to separate clips. If you need to move the new clips to make them fit in the correct order with the previous clips , click and drag them to move to the correct position.

However, I think Svengali's script solution will do the job much better.

I do wonder about this:
Animationriver wrote: 18 Feb 2021, 19:44 Pictures do not arrive at the same time. Usually at different times of the day. And how they come from colleagues. I break them down into clips. And in each clip, I need to make the picture black and white.

Because you know that the images must be black and white, why not request from the other artists working on the project that they send the images to you in black and white ? If they work in TVPaint they can easily convert the image to B & W before they export the image and send it to you. (use B & W Converter or use Scan Cleaner B&W . They can keep their original image in color , but duplicate the image and convert the duplicate to B & W and then send it to you. ) If they work in Photoshop they can change the mode to Greyscale before they send it to you. Most other drawing/painting programs also have a way to convert images to B & W. That might save you some time. But , again I think maybe Svengali's script solution will do it much better.

Re: -100 saturation for selected clips 1 button each

Posted: 27 Feb 2021, 03:35
by Animationriver
Svengali wrote: 26 Feb 2021, 20:23 OK, here is another option for tuning the B&W conversion, but YOU have to do some of the work.

Load the Black And White Converter found in the color FX.
load one of your images and tune the contrast values for Red, Green and Blue to your liking.
1. Be sure the box for Black And White Converter is checked.
2. Be sure that "All Instances" is selected.
EXPORT the FX to your GEORGE folder under the name "BlackAndWhiteconverter.bin"
Black and White Converter FX2.png

Now, as before, select the script below and insert it into your button as an Embedded Script.

When you run this script version it should render your images in B&W EXACTLY as adjusted by you.

Code: Select all

// ConvertAllClipsB&W.grg
// Svengali © 2021
// ( Feb ) 2021 - ver .0

Param none
ScriptName = "ConvertAllClipsB&W"

Text = "WARNING: Only run this script on a copy of your MultiClip project!!! |Continue|Exit"
tv_Request Text
Reply = result
IF Reply == 0
	tv_warn "Script Aborted.."

FXProcess = "BlackAndWhiteConverter.bin"			// added lines to import the Black and White Converter FX process
tv_GetPath GEORGE
GeorgePath = result
FXProcess = GeorgePath""FXProcess
tv_StackLoad FXProcess

ClipRun = 1
ClipPosition = 0
Frames = 0
	tv_ClipeNumID -1  ClipPosition
	ClipID = result
	IF CMP(ClipID,"none") == 1
		ClipRun = 0
		tv_ClipSelect ClipID
		FirstImage = result
		TotalFrames = FirstImage - result 
		tv_LayerSelect FirstImage TotalFrames
		LayerID = result
		tv_StackApply ALLLAYERS				// new line to apply Black and White converter to clip			
//		tv_layerblendingmode LayerID VALUE	// removed line from first version
		ClipPosition = ClipPosition + 1
tv_warn "B&W conversion complete."


addendum: Note that you can apply many other FX processes on all of the CLIPS...
Save your customized FX with your own settings, carefully noting THE NAME you used with a .bin extension - save it to the GEORGE folder.
Then, in the embedded script, find the line that says FXProcess = and replace the current FX name with the name of your FX inside double quotation marks.
Now, when you click the button, all the Clips should be processed by your new FX.
For instance, you could try substituting the Scan Cleaner Black and White...
Hello. You are doing a lot of scripting work. Thank you very much! I'm very touched. But I don't understand what I have to do. You can make me understand visually. I'm just very humble and can't understand anything about scripts. Once I figured out how to take a script and make a button. And this is where my knowledge and skills stopped. Sorry, I really don't understand you. I would be very grateful if you wrote about what you do not understand in my question. Actually I just ask for one button in the settings panel. Which will make the selected clips black and white. And that's all.

Re: -100 saturation for selected clips 1 button each

Posted: 27 Feb 2021, 13:54
by Svengali
I just don't have the time, sorry.
