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Re: Cannot save!

Posted: 18 Aug 2022, 07:53
by Xavier
heriz wrote: 18 Aug 2022, 00:25
jon2 wrote: 03 Jun 2022, 00:26 Here is what WORKED for me:
I was encountering the same issue on my Mac. (Catalina)
On my other Mac (Big Sur) everything works fine.

My SAVE window would freeze. If this is also your problem,
you can rescue your project by doing this ->

TV PAINT will (probably) be first in the ENERGY tab.
You will find two TVPaint tasks, the first one is the application itself, the second one is called apple-something :). That's the one that is trying to save your file.
Quit it.

Now via preferences -> interface -> go from SYSTEM to TVPAINT. The unusual looking TVPaint dialog box works (although I get weird issues with some letters??)
Thank you so much jon2, this solution just saved my bacon. I was minutes away from Force Quitting and losing a day's work with a deadline tomorrow. I don't know if it's related, but I realised (at the point of the freeze) that Autosave had also stopped working, so I had no backups either :cry:

Definitely needs looking into!
Weird : it seems like MacOS is actually preventing the save operation.

Re: Cannot save!

Posted: 18 Aug 2022, 08:10
by Xavier
Would you mind trying this procedure ?

Re: Cannot save!

Posted: 18 Aug 2022, 08:43
by Xavier
jon2 wrote: 03 Jun 2022, 00:26 the second one is called apple-something :). That's the one that is trying to save your file.
Sorry, as we cannot reproduce that would you mind giving me the exact name of the process ?

Re: Cannot save!

Posted: 18 Aug 2022, 21:05
by heriz
Xavier wrote: 18 Aug 2022, 08:43
jon2 wrote: 03 Jun 2022, 00:26 the second one is called apple-something :). That's the one that is trying to save your file.
Sorry, as we cannot reproduce that would you mind giving me the exact name of the process ?
I switched back to System to check. It's:

Code: Select all (TVPaint Animation 11 Pro)

Re: Cannot save!

Posted: 18 Aug 2022, 21:08
by heriz
Xavier wrote: 18 Aug 2022, 07:53
heriz wrote: 18 Aug 2022, 00:25
jon2 wrote: 03 Jun 2022, 00:26 Here is what WORKED for me:
I was encountering the same issue on my Mac. (Catalina)
On my other Mac (Big Sur) everything works fine.

My SAVE window would freeze. If this is also your problem,
you can rescue your project by doing this ->

TV PAINT will (probably) be first in the ENERGY tab.
You will find two TVPaint tasks, the first one is the application itself, the second one is called apple-something :). That's the one that is trying to save your file.
Quit it.

Now via preferences -> interface -> go from SYSTEM to TVPAINT. The unusual looking TVPaint dialog box works (although I get weird issues with some letters??)
Thank you so much jon2, this solution just saved my bacon. I was minutes away from Force Quitting and losing a day's work with a deadline tomorrow. I don't know if it's related, but I realised (at the point of the freeze) that Autosave had also stopped working, so I had no backups either :cry:

Definitely needs looking into!
Weird : it seems like MacOS is actually preventing the save operation.
That's exactly what it was doing. Worth noting that as far as I know, I'd not made any system change that might cause this; no updates. Might have been in the background tho. I've been using TVPaint constantly over the past 2 weeks with no issues, then suddenly yesterday it did this.