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Pieces of audio play in TVP 11 but NOT in export!

Posted: 26 Jul 2017, 20:21
by marijaye
Been a while, everyone, but here I am again with a bizarre sound issue!
Teaching in a Mac lab using TVP 11 Pro (V11), and I have a student whose project has 3 sound effect layers and 2 song layers in her project. All the audio loads and plays just fine during playback in TVP, BUT the songs will not export (only the SFX) in the .mov's. We have switched the audio from 48 to 44.1 in all sorts of configurations, muted and moved the songs up and down the layers to no avail. BUT ALSO, here's what DOES work...I load a random chicken soundtrack...and the songs appear upon export. Take it out, they're gone. I am not kidding. (btw...the songs are NOT on the chicken audio, it was a random audio file).

I am hoping chickens are not the answer. The file is too large to attach, but if anyone has any ideas I'll find a way to send it to you!

Thanks, all!

Re: Pieces of audio play in TVP 11 but NOT in export!

Posted: 26 Jul 2017, 20:44
by slowtiger
What's the file format for each of the sounds?

Re: Pieces of audio play in TVP 11 but NOT in export!

Posted: 26 Jul 2017, 23:24
by marijaye
all the sounds are .wav's, and the songs are .wav's as well. 44.1 khz, 16-bit.
but again, they are all loading and playing just fine in tvp...AND they do export when i bring in a random audio track. we also renamed the song files once and brought them in, and they exported...but then on the second export they were silent again.
it sounds illogical, i know, but after over 20 export tests, it is honestly what is happening!

Re: Pieces of audio play in TVP 11 but NOT in export!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017, 02:56
by Elodie
Hell Marijaye, welcome back :)

Could you please make sure your version is up-to-date ? (11.0.6 ?)

Plus, could you also remind us your OS ?

Re: Pieces of audio play in TVP 11 but NOT in export!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017, 14:00
by marijaye
Hi Elodie!
Unfortunately, we are in the last day of student production and we'd need to update all 145 TVP licenses to test this out!
I've let the Animation Manager at this school know, and he'll update at a later point.

For now, I will mess around with the song files themselves to see if I can trick TVP into liking them.

Thanks to you both!


Re: Pieces of audio play in TVP 11 but NOT in export!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017, 14:58
by Elodie
Ok well, I am sorry, I cannot help you more if the software is not up to date or without knowing your OS :/
Good luck anyway for these last crazy days ! :D

Re: Pieces of audio play in TVP 11 but NOT in export!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017, 15:26
by Fabrice
what is your current version ? (to check, go into : help > about)

Re: Pieces of audio play in TVP 11 but NOT in export!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017, 16:13
by marijaye
Hi Fabrice! :)
Elodie, we are using OS Sierra, and apparently we ARE using 11.0.6 already!
Do you want me to send you the file somehow? It's over 700 MB so I can share a Google Drive folder with you?

Re: Pieces of audio play in TVP 11 but NOT in export!

Posted: 27 Jul 2017, 16:44
by Fabrice

yes, you can share with us through google drive.
use tvpaint [ @ ] tvpaint [ . ] fr as email, so both of us will receive the files.

Re: Pieces of audio play in TVP 11 but NOT in export!

Posted: 28 Jul 2017, 13:25
by Thierry
Bug confirmed on my side on Windows.
I'll add-it in our todo-list.

It affects soundtracks that span over several clips, as is the case with this project.
What I did was use the "Split Track to Clips" on one of the soundtracks and all sounds were correctly played when exporting.
split.PNG (8.18 KiB) Viewed 26131 times

//EDIT: I noticed the problem does not appear when exporting to AVI, only in MOV, so chosing not to export to MOV would also be a solution.

Re: Pieces of audio play in TVP 11 but NOT in export!

Posted: 29 Jul 2017, 03:31
by marijaye
Thanks, Thierry and all, for looking into this! I'll let the Animation Manager know we weren't going crazy!! And also that .avi is also a solution.