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Summary of past requests on WIT STUDIO

Posted: 13 Nov 2020, 08:20
by Hironori Takagi
Dear users,
I and WIT STUDIO, to which I belong, have been using TVPaint 11 for 5 years.
Below is a summary of the questions we asked during this period and their answers.
If you have any questions, please refer to it.
It's been another 2 years so I'll update the post to bring it up to date.
(1)Can I borrow a shortage of licenses when conducting TVPaint training?
→Can borrow

(2-1)Is there a way to take over the composite mode that After Effects and Photoshop do not have? (when importing psd)
→Only the mode common to Photoshop and TVPaint is solved

(2-2)Implementation of "Contiguous" in Magic Wand tool of Photoshop
→Solved on TVPaint11.0.2

(2-3)Is there a way to redraw the area at once with the same color value as where I clicked
→Solved but not completely (such as the case of anti-aliasing ON)

(3-1)When using multiple monitors, want to display only the canvas on the LCD tablet and place other panels on another monitor
(want to place the panel outside the application window)
→Not solved

(3-2)Want to solve lost images outside the project size
→Not solved

(3-3)Want to possible layer animation (non-destructive editing)
→Keyframer FX does not undo, needs to be considered

(3-4)Enable QuickTime output (.mov) with TVPaint 64bit
→Solved on TVPaint11.0.3 only Lossless and mpeg-4 codecs
 Not solved other codecs

(4-1)Want to change the palette color of CTG Layer not on the palette but on speedfill blush mode
(Want to be able to change colors without calling the palette)
→Not solved

(4-2)Want to solve the problem that I need to repeatedly stroke and calculate when painting small areas with speedfill brush mode
(For example, Animo has the concept of "invisible area line" and the area could be determined first)
→Not solved

(5-1)Want to move multiple layers at the same time
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.2

(5-2)Want to know how to change the project size later
→Use clop tool
 however, methods other than top left alignment are inconvenient

(6)XSHEET has many bugs
→Changed development policy to use image marks and timesheet panel

(7-1)Want to group the contents in layer (For example, "symbol" on Flash) and make folders that include layers
→Recommended to use color groups, but problem still not solved

(7-2)It is troublesome to click one layer at a time to show and hide layers
→Recommended to use color groups, however, want to process continuously by dragging like Photoshop

(7-3)One frame of the timeline is hard to recognize visually
→Not solved

(7-4)Instance is split when applying FXstack
→Choose "Apply On Head"

(8-1)When using the transform tool and move to the next instance, want to be previewed in its original position
→Not solved

(8-2)When you draw a straight line by shift + drag with the stroke tool, it will be locked in 45 degree units.
Want to do it at a finer angle
→Develop another method: Ctrl + Shift + Click to draw straight line

(8-3)Deleting a frame using the Delete key causes the follow Instances to move.
However, assigning a hot key to another key causes the previous instance to stretch frame
→There are multiple deletion patterns. It is difficult to understand, but it remains:
Delete Selected Instance / Delete Selection / Delete Instance Head

(8-4)Can you reproduce the operation of flip over the paper?
→Use "Flip Manually" mode

(8-5)Can you reproduce the operation of flip over the "out of pegs" image?
→Use flip menu option "Out of Pegs"

(8-6)I want to restore the custom panel that was installed from the beginning because I accidentally erased it
→Reappears after deleting the entire panel and restarting the software

(9-1)Want to export for each instance head
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.8 ".json+images"

(9-2)TVPaint does not have print resolution(dpi).
Can not possible to output at the intended position and scale in the TVPaint print menu
→Resolved the issue of being able to set the print resolution in 11.7.0

(10-1)Want to think about how to reflect Japanese style time sheets instead of XSHEET
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.8 "TimeSheet" custom panel

(10-2)When using Transform tool, apply on Current Group / Selected Layers / All Layers is not reflected in preview
→Not solved

(11-1)Custom panel MJ_AFX does not support CTG and XSHEET layers
→Not solved

(11-2)It is inconvenient that the color palette of the CTG layer will not fit on the screen when the number increases,
and that it will only be arranged in the order of creation
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.3 only about "not fit on the screen"
 "order of creation" is still

(12-1)Sudden blue screen occurred while using TVPaint
→The cause could not be determined

(12-2)Want to set "Dummy-duplicate Instance" on the timeline (Want to use the same image multiple times)
→Suggest an alternative: Use "Apply Current Content On Instances With Same Name" in Handy custom panel to same named instances

(12-3)Tell me how to learn George script
→Announced: TVPaint SDK, TVPaintWiki, TVPaint11 Documentation "Instructions and Commands"

(13-1)While playing a project (multiple clips), video of another clip is inserted
→The cause could not be determined

(13-2)When inputting Japanese using the Text Brush tool on TVPaint for Mac, the entire application window becomes gray
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.3

(13-3)When using Publish PDF / HTML, the rightmost character of each line is missing when Japanese format is selected.
In addition, want to use the Japanese format "(second + frame)" for the notation of time.
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.3 only about "missing character"
 Use "(second + frame)" format not solved

(13-4)Cannot edit PDF output with Publish PDF
→Resolved (unknown which version of 11 resolved)

(14)Want to use the function of "clipping mask" in Photoshop and "track matte" in After Effects
→Not solved

(15)Composite mode "screen" "overlay" gives different calculation results than Photoshop
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.3

(16)When create a new instance, it will be "1.", "2.","3." without numbers, but will it automatically become instance names "1", "2", "3"?
→Suggest an alternative on TVPaint 11.0.8: "Rename smart" mode

(17-1)When use CTG layer with speedfill brush mode, often make 2 × 2 pixel “lump” under the line
→Not solved

(17-2)Can you do the same thing with the RETAS Studio PaintMan function "Show unfilled area" checker?
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.8 called "color checker"

(17-3)Want to use color change functions instead of Photoshop:
Adjust hue / saturation / brightness with adjustment layer,
Color adjustment of some parts by color gamut selection,
Saving tuning parameters,
and FXstack "color adjust" is hard to understand because there is a difference in the HSB adjustment interface of Photoshop
→Not solved

(17-4)Can you do the same thing with the RETAS Studio PaintMan function "color replace palette"?
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.8 "Multi color replacer" FX

(18)TimeSheet and RenameInstances custom panels cannot be used continuously
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.8: Rename Instances custom panel changed to Rename smart mode

(19)I want to read and place multiple folders containing sequence image files at once
→Self-developed: ImportFolder custom panel

(20)Why are there some drawing that can be erased by right-click + stroke and some that cannot be erased?
→Drying option affects.
If drawn with Drying option off, when switch to another tool, cannot right-click + stroke to erase it.

(21)"Display Current" on timeline only shows one layer, Want to check other layers a little
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.3 called "Layer attenuation" option

(22)Importing a image with a size different from the project size results in cropping at the project size
→Same problem at (3-2)

(23)Panel exists but Shortcuts command not found: Move 10 pixels (handy custom panel) and Stamp in place (custom brush)
→"Move 10 pixels" need other script
 "Stamp in place" is Japanese translation problem, Solved on TVPaint 11.0.8

(24)How accurately can "Erase Red, Green, Blue, etc." on Sketch Panel be erased for anti-aliasing on drawing?
→Not completely, unknown if can be resolved

(25)Want to set Image marks on each instance heads at once
→Custom panel provided: SetMarks
 Self-develop enhanced version: NextSet

(26)Even if the quality of Preview Settings is set to 100%, the image may be rougher than when stopped during playback
→Not solved

(27)Want to control two or more camera points together
→Not solved

(28)Using the color picker while using the Color Panel with Picker may cause the RGB values ??to shift
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.8

(29)Warning when importing with TVPaint: PNG saved in color space sRGB with Photoshop
→TVPaint explains "Adobe profile is old", so have to turn off the profile

(30-1)Bug in Rename Instances custom panel: does not work when layer start is not 0 (first frame)
→Solved on Rename Instances 1.5

(30-2)Bug in Rename Instances custom panel: may not skip numbers when already used by instance name
→Solved on Rename Instances 1.5

(30-3)Additional requests in Rename Instances custom panel: rename skip when named instance (not number)
→Solved on Rename Instances 1.5

(31)When you want to draw a semi-transparent, can maintain the transparency if the Drying to off.
However, when after tool switched, it will be overwritten and darkened
→Suggest an alternative: use mode "Alpha Diff"

(32)Additional requests in Export Head and Marks custom panel: want to save format TGA 24bit
→Supported by rewriting part of the script: tv_SaveMode "TGA" "1"

(33-1)Want to create a script to export sequence images with instance name.
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.8 ".json+images"

(33-2)Want to create a script that passes the use timing of each layer to After Effects
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.8 ".json+images" and "Import_TVP.jsx" for After Effects

(34)Want to make shortcut and script command "collapse / uncollapse layer"
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.6 "tv_LayerCollapse" command

(35)Additional request in Export Head and Marks custom panel: "Clip:display" mode
→Suggest an alternative: use self-developped custum panel "StampAll" and ".json+images" export

(36)Want to execute the CTG layer command "Make anim" to many layers at once
→Not solved

(37)Want the function as same as Null object in After Effects
→Not solved

(38)Want to port a brush created in Photoshop to TVPaint
→Asked the TVPaint development staff for 12 types, some of which were created

(39)Want to know examples of cooperation with project management tools such as SHOTGUN
→Heard a story about testing Ftrack but couldn't hear the details

(40)When using the "mokemoke" brush (created by the WIT STUDIO staff) on weaker stroke,
 disappeared after moving forward and back through the frame
→The reason is using "Smear Source" mode, change to "Smear Stamp" mode.

(41)About Undo / Redo disabled behavior:
 for example, "Grab Current tool with color" in custom panel, "Image Marks -> Set Mark" on timeline
→Not solved
 "Overwrite in custom panel" has no way to undo
 Image mark is supported in 11.5.2
 Transparency of the layer became a selection formula from the environment setting in 11.7.0

(42)Is it possible to copy and paste only the instance name?
→Suggest an alternative: "Duplicate Structure" keep instance name since TVPaint 11.0.8

(43)Instance name resets when merge layers
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.9 (11.0.8 has problem: when merge "1" instances unexpected naming "1-1" )

(44)Image mark and instance name are reset when copying and pasting a layer into another project
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.8

(45)Want to be able to all at once:
 create a new instance, set the image mark of the key animation mark(image mark 01), and set instance number
→Custom panel provided: CreateNewInstance
 Self-develop enhanced version: NextSet

(46)About check workflow:
 After changing the timing of the duplicated layer, want to make the timing of the referenced original layer the same as that
→Self-developed: SheetMatchUpper custom panel

(47)Guidelines position shifts when changing project size
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.8

(48)Is it possible to create a function to automatically create an intermediate image from two images?
→Response from development team: Difficult because we can't handle complex cases

(49)Developing tools for printing: Can you composite a pegs image and a frame image at once?
→Self-developed: StampAll custom panel

(50)Archiving for PreLoad off images: Want to be able to easily convert a project to PreLoad on and save it again
→Use "tv_ProjectSaveDependencies" command

(51)Want lock guideline option: touch one side that not want to move
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.10

(52)Draw straight line with freehand tool + Shift on Clip Studio Paint, can you do the same thing?
→Suggest an alternative: "Shift + Crrl + Click with stroke tool" draw straight line on TVPaint 11.0.8

(53)Request for "Modify Project" and "Crop tool": Want to change the project size by use "%"
→"Modify Project" solved on TVPaint 11.0.10, but "Crop tool" not solved

(54)Request for Scan Cleaner Color FX: I want to control the stroke intensity by color (RGB: all 0, R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, and custom color)
Request for Dust Cleaner FX: I want to process the specified background color as transparent
→Not solved about "stroke intensity by color"
→Use Background option about "specified background color as transparent" on Dust Cleaner FX

(55)When moving the "Pivot" with the Transform tool, want to be able to "Scaling centered by pivot" too
→Not solved

(56)Want to count the number of drawings on the project (this means want to count the number of instances with marks)
→Self-developed: CountImageMarks custom panel

(57)New mode "B Color To A Color" of Paint bucket tool is reversed in Japanese version notation
→Solved on TVPaint 11.0.9

(58)Want the Selection tool to add a mode "A Color filled area" and "Outside of A Color filled area"
→Solved on TVPaint 11.7.0

(59)Why there is no Sharp FX?
→Pen tool and Paint bucket tool have mode "Sharp"

(60)Is there a way to hide the selection area
→"Display: Toggle Selection" command exists on the shortcut.
 But it's hard to understand because it doesn't exist in the menu or Select tool panel

(61-1)Want to change the brush size with the same change size as Photoshop
→Self-developed: SizeChangeLikePS custom panel

(61-2)Want to set the cursor to the "currently set brush size", (even in mode "P"[Pressure])
→Solved on TVPaint 11.5.0 and 11.5.1 (that the brush size preview is not appropriate)

(62)Want to control multiple vanishing points of guidelines at the same time
(for example, Clip Studio Paint have "eye level line")
→Not solved

(63)Is there a way to load multiple files into the Image Library at the same time?
→Not solved
 Announced "using drag and drop to Image Library", but imported to the timeline

(64)Import Footage option menu "Stretch to Project Size" is translated on Japanese menu "Change Project Size".
→Not solved

(65)Want to control Scan Cleaner Color FX by each color (Meaning the same as q(54))
for example on RETAS studio TraceMan called "no-anti-alias trace setting"
has parameter of Black line ,Red line ,Blue line ,Green line, custom color line 1 to 3
→Not solved

(66)When using the profile editor, dragging a control point to the edge of the graph causes the point to disappear. Want to stay on the edge
→Comment by developper was "It is more useful that points disappear"

(67)Want to multiple selection option for the tv_LayerSet command on George
→Suggest an alternative: use "tv_LayerSelection" command

(68)Camera position shifts when copying and pasting clips to different size projects
→Not solved

(69)Want to set a bookmark color other than blue
→Not solved

(70)Want to control camera work export with George
→Partial self-solution, use command: tv_ProjectSaveSequence '"'exportpath'"' "camera" clipstart clipend
 But can not change export size later

(71)Want to delete only white elements in the image
 (Color Keyer FX can not perfect keying for images with anti-aliasing on drawing)
→Self-developed: WhiteOnOff custom panel

(72)Want a mode to fix the layer to the camera
→Not solved

(73)Want to be able to select when apply Transform tool: Frame or Instance Heads
→Not solved
 Self suggest an alternative: layer option "Toggle auto break instance" off

(74)Want to keep the camera work position even if the layer duration changes
(Want to change the specification that depends on Clip in = 0 end = 1 so that the camera position can be specified in the frame)
→Not solved

(75)Camera work issues that TVPaint 11 can't handle: Moving, for example, straight lines, curves, straight lines
→Not solved

(76)Camera work issues that TVPaint 11 can't handle: "Shake camera"(Behavior like "Zoom: Shake")
→Not solved

(77)When selecting a tool other than the camera tool, the center of the frame becomes difficult to understand
 (Guideline:Support group are set for the project size and do not follow the camera)
→Solved on 11.5

(78)Want to be able to display the camera frame of Bookmark frame even when the cursor is on another frame number
→Not solved

(79)Want to set starting point of the Ellipse tool not only the center but also the corners
→Solved on 11.5

(80)Want to know the definition of PositionZ of KeyFramer FX
→Self-solve: Scale=1000/(Z+1000)

(81-1)Want to set key frames of the Camera on any frame number with tv_CameraInsertPoint command on George,
 but it is not possible because the value of CameraInterPolation cannot be set
→Not solved

(81-2)When use JSON(.json+images) export and re-import with ImportFolder script(self-developed script), may lost camera frame
→The cause could not be determined

(82)Using the color picker when the zoom window is zoomed out may pick up RGB values ??mixed with the neighbor value
→Not solved

(83)Want to recieve text into TVPaint via ClipBoard
→Not solved

(84)Request on Layer Preset Manager: add "Structure: make instance head named 1" and "Layer name pattern: ABC"
→Not solved
 Supported by custom panel "Next Set"

(85-1)Unexplained alert appears in import-json.jsx script for reading .json + images for After Effcts
(It seems that reading will not be affected and the cause is unknown)
→Not solved

(85-2)Problem of JSON (.json + images) export: camera raw value in json description is one more than the number of frames in the timeline
→Not solved

(86)Export result of the layer multiplication mode is different from Photoshop (it becomes transparent when the background is transparent)
→Solved on 11.5

(87)Want the zoom window to move to the dragged destination when drawing a straight line with Ctrl + Shift and using the line tool.
→Not solved

(88)The color of the green(0,255,0) line changes half tranceparent green(126,255,126) with Scan Cleaner Color FX
→Solved on 11.5.1

(89)Drag from the lower right to the upper left in the "2-point ellipse mode" added in TVPaint 11.5.0 to create a corner
→Solved on 11.5.1

(90)"Selection: Color" mode added in TVPaint 11.5.0 works almost the same as "Selection: Magic Wand"
→Solved on 11.7.0 on shortcut "Shape Select: Selecr All Color A" and "Select All But Color A"

(91)The brush size preview added in TVPaint 11.5.0 is too thick, making it difficult to see the bottom of the preview and difficult to use.
→Improved on 11.5.1, this seems to be the limit in TVPaint11

(92-1)"Uncompressed PNG" setting disappeared from export setting "MOV (FFmpeg)" in TVPaint 11.5.0
→Solved on 11.5.1

(92-2)Export settings in TVPaint 11.5.0 are reset every time I restart TVPaint
→Solved on 11.5.1

(93)Shortcut drawer stopped working at cursor position in TVPaint 11.5.0
→Solved on 11.5.1

(94)Want the light table to have a pivot (move center point) function similar to the transform tool
→Not solved

(95-1)The export function "All Frames - Project" added in TVPaint 11.5.1 fails as a Japanese translation
→Solved on 11.5.2

(95-2)Functions added in TVPaint 11.5.1, menu "Layer: Reverse Order" are not match in shortcuts notation (in Japanese localization)
→Solved on 11.5.2

(96)In TVPaint 11.5.2, the file requester does not specify the correct path when exporting, and the export fails even if the correct path is specified by direct input. In order to solve these two points, it is necessary to update the setting folder, which is inconvenient.
→Solved on 11.5.3

(97)Duration of hidden layers is not reflected in the converted project when the project is resized by editing the project or by George script tv_ResizePage.
→Solved on 11.5.3

(98)After TVPaint 11.5.0, even if export settings are specified in tv_SaveMode of George script, File → Export settings are no longer reflected.
→At the same time as the export settings are now "remember the previous state", George has been changed to a specification that does not reflect

(99)If you execute Frame → Clear or George script tv_Clear at a place where there is no instance on a layer that uses the minus frame of the timeline,The length of the front instance changes
→Unsolved, want to avoid using minus frames as much as possible

(100)When using the cut tool mode "Cut" with anti-aliasing OFF, the custom brush will be anti-aliasing OFF, but the cutted image will be anti-aliasing ON.
→Not solved

(101)When trying to save a project after importing a file with TVPaint 11.5.3, a different location than the imported file is specified.
→Solved on 11.5.3(Oct 22 2021)

(102)When using TVPaint on Mac's RetinaDisplay environment, the entire application looks blurry, and when compared to Clip Studio Paint, it looks twice as large at the same magnification display.
→Not solved

(103)Want to draw the trajectory of the keyframer FX, if it is difficult to add it with the standard function of TVPaint, I would like George to be able to draw Bezier curves.
→Not solved

(104)Want to move all layers and instances only with the transform tool, applying "all layers" with all frames selected only reflects the duration of the top layer.
→Not solved

(105)When executing the George command tv_ClipSaveStructure in TVPaint 11.7.0, a file that should not be exported is output
→Solved on 11.7.0(Oct 6 2022)

(106)Want to control the print resolution (DPI) added in TVPaint 11.7.0 with George
→Expected to be addressed in 11.7.1

(107)The shortcut "Select Mode" (added in TVPaint 11.7.0) Japanese translation does not match Select Tool(add/sub/replace).
→Expected to be addressed in 11.7.1

(108)The panel displayed by Window → Tool is "Brush", while the panel displayed by Window → Main is "Tool", and the Japanese translation does not match.
→Expected to be addressed in 11.7.1

(109)When "Range: 0 (fill inside checked and include borders checked, too)" set on fill tools at custom panel command or George script (tv_SetActiveShape), range and boundaryrange the value changes to "1"

Re: Summary of past requests on WIT STUDIO

Posted: 13 Nov 2020, 10:50
by Xavier
Such a list !!! Thanks for the reminder, i'll see what I can do :)

Re: Summary of past requests on WIT STUDIO

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 17:49
by D.T. Nethery
Hironori Takagi wrote: 13 Nov 2020, 08:20
(3-2)Want to solve lost images outside the project size
→Not solved

This is an important issue to solve. It baffles Photoshop users transitioning to use TVPaint. Even for those of us accustomed to using TVPaint it can be a bit of a pain. As I understand it , this refers to the problem where images are destructively cropped if a portion of the image is moved outside the project window using the Panning (move) , Transform , Perspective Tools or with KeyFramer FX tool. For example , if this image is shifted over to the left using the Panning/Transform/or Perspective Tool (with part of the image going outside the project window) , then you decide you want to shift it back over to the right slightly , now the image has been cropped destructively and you can't get it back without several steps of CMD Z Undo. (which is sometimes not possible depending on where you are in the process. If you've progressed several steps beyond when you had originally moved or transformed the image , you cannot fix it by CMD Z Undo without also undoing all your other work ...)

(click on images to see larger)

However, I don't think this is solvable in the current engine of TVPaint (?). Can someone from TVPaint Development confirm this ? (in my memory , I think I was told previously -- many years ago -- that this is not possible to fix in the current engine of TVPaint , but I am unable to find a specific reference on the forum) This has been such a long-standing feature/improvement request from many users , if it could have been solved I think that it would have been solved before now. This may not happen until next generation version of TVPaint .

The only workaround for now is to create the Project with Camera View , so the project area is scaled up 200% - 300% , so for example, if the intended output is 1920 x 1080 , the actual project size is 3840 x 2160 , creating a border area surrounding the Camera View (1920 x 1080) , which allows objects to be moved using the Panning/Transform/Perspective Tools or Keyframer FX, yet they can be repositioned again if needed without the original image having been cropped , because that part of the image was simply outside of the Camera View , but has not been moved outside of the project window, so it is not destructively cropped.
Overscaled Project with Camera View.jpg
Overscaled Project with Camera View.jpg (35.27 KiB) Viewed 13917 times
Shift Images non-destructively.jpg

Hironori Takagi wrote: 13 Nov 2020, 08:20 (22)Importing a image with a size different from the project size results in cropping at the project size
→Same problem at (3-2)
Yes, I also mentioned this in a previous discussion about the feature Clipboard > Paste Image . Say you have an image sized at 4096 x 2304 which is copied to the clipboard and then pasted into a TVPaint project sized at 1920 x 1080 , the image pasted from the clipboard will be cropped . However, if importing the larger image using the standard Open/Import window the option is there to import the image to a Layer, which automatically resizes it to fit inside the project window. Because this can already be done when using standard Open/Import , I would think the same behavior could be applied to the Clipboard > Paste Image (New Layer) to allow the pasted clipboard image to be automatically resized to the current project size. (but even better would be to allow for parts of an image that are outside the project window to be preserved (as in Photoshop) , so if you brought in a larger image you could then shift it up-down or side-to-side with the Panning Tool or resize it with the Transform Tool to scale it down to fit inside the project window, without destructive cropping having been applied to the original image)

Re: Summary of past requests on WIT STUDIO

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 22:36
by Peter Wassink
BG elements i sometimes import using the Keyframer to keep it non-destructive

For animation, i circumvent this issue by having my pan tool in "Fill" mode, that way you can always reposition non-destructively.
i use this for instance when re-spacing animation to fine tune arcs.

Only one thing you'll need to do... in the finalizing of the project you have to erase the bits that wrapped around to the other side of the frame.

Re: Summary of past requests on WIT STUDIO

Posted: 01 Apr 2021, 23:52
by D.T. Nethery
Peter Wassink wrote: 01 Apr 2021, 22:36 BG elements i sometimes import using the Keyframer to keep it non-destructive

For animation, i circumvent this issue by having my pan tool in "Fill" mode, that way you can always reposition non-destructively.
i use this for instance when re-spacing animation to fine tune arcs.

Only one thing you'll need to do... in the finalizing of the project you have to erase the bits that wrapped around to the other side of the frame.
Good point. I seem to always forget that the Panning tool can be set to Fill mode to avoid destructively cropping the image. Thanks for the reminder.

And yes, for BG elements I will also use BG layers stored in the Image Library to resize and reposition them with the Keyframer (or Multiplane) , so the original image stays intact in the Image Library and can easily be recreated by adjusting the KeyFramer coordinates and rendering it again. (or import layers from another TVPaint project via the KeyFramer.) But it's just this sort of thing that gives a headache to users acclimated to Photoshop who wonder why this is necessary. I'm used to it , it's not that difficult to workaround (using methods mentioned above) , but seems to baffle people who are used to Photoshop or AE.

Re: Summary of past requests on WIT STUDIO

Posted: 06 Apr 2021, 10:31
by Thierry
D.T. Nethery wrote: 01 Apr 2021, 17:49However, I don't think this is solvable in the current engine of TVPaint (?). Can someone from TVPaint Development confirm this ? (in my memory , I think I was told previously -- many years ago -- that this is not possible to fix in the current engine of TVPaint , but I am unable to find a specific reference on the forum) This has been such a long-standing feature/improvement request from many users , if it could have been solved I think that it would have been solved before now. This may not happen until next generation version of TVPaint .
I can confirm, that is not doable in the current engine at all.