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Rendering image sequence

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 12:42
by daninski

I'm trying to render a 4k png sequence with alpha, compression set to 10 - which means there's no compression - yeah?
Currently it's taking about an hour to render 2000 frames. This seems a bit sluggish to me. Is there anything I might be doing wrong, or that I can do to speed things up?

Re: Rendering image sequence

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 14:25
by slowtiger
Sounds perfectly normal, 2000 frames would be nearly 1 and a half minutes, even in HD this would be 30 minutes at my place.

Re: Rendering image sequence

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 15:21
by daninski
Really? I'm sure I've had faster. It's not doing any composition. these are single layer renders.

Re: Rendering image sequence

Posted: 04 Nov 2021, 15:19
by D.T. Nethery
This is how PNG export from TVPaint was explained to me:

PNG is not a compressed format. When you set it to "10", you lower the file size, without affecting the quality. If you set it to "1" it is the same image quality , but it exports very fast , and the file size is larger. "10" exports slowly , but the file size is smaller. If your goal is to get the PNG file sizes as small as possible , use a setting between 6 - 10 . If it doesn't matter if the PNG file sizes are larger then use a setting between 1 - 5 for faster export.

Re: Rendering image sequence

Posted: 05 Nov 2021, 10:27
by Peter Wassink
D.T. Nethery wrote: 04 Nov 2021, 15:19 This is how PNG export from TVPaint was explained to me:

PNG is not a compressed format. When you set it to "10", you lower the file size, without affecting the quality. If you set it to "1" it is the same image quality , but it exports very fast , and the file size is larger. "10" exports slowly , but the file size is smaller. If your goal is to get the PNG file sizes as small as possible , use a setting between 6 - 10 . If it doesn't matter if the PNG file sizes are larger then use a setting between 1 - 5 for faster export.
Not entirely correct,
To be exact, PNG is a compressed format, but as you explain the amount of compression can be set and a higher compression value (making the file smaller) results in a slower export, but it is lossless compression.

"Compression" relates to filesize and "Loss" relates to image quality. so PNG has the best of both.

Re: Rendering image sequence

Posted: 05 Nov 2021, 22:34
by D.T. Nethery
Yes, that's better, to say PNG is lossless , but it does have a compression. FAST export makes for a larger file size , SLOW export makes a smaller file size, but the quality is the same , because it is a lossless format. (I honestly have no real idea how it all works !)

Re: Rendering image sequence

Posted: 08 Nov 2021, 13:09
by Peter Wassink
haha... yes the Wikipedia page also goes mostly over my head, but i did just now pick up a funny fact from it ...about where the letters PNG stand for:
the PING name, eventually becoming PNG, a recursive acronym meaning PING is not GIF
the makers of the PNG format intended to create a replacement for GIF because gif was patented and the owner, Unisys, wanted to charge royalties.