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spliting a project

Posted: 06 Jun 2023, 11:12
by Peter Wassink
for a collaboration need to split up a project in multiple smaller projects.
i have split it down into 26 separate clips... now how do i save the individual clips as projects?
Clipboard01.png (30.31 KiB) Viewed 4575 times
i cannot export a clip from the menu (why?)
i would very much love to be able to export a clip out of a project as its own separate TVPP

Then as my second option i could try only exporting the clips as mp4... but in the export panel there is no option to only export one clip.
if i select "all Frames - Clip" it displays the whole timeline length and exports the whole project?

Re: spliting a project

Posted: 06 Jun 2023, 12:51
by D.T. Nethery
Peter Wassink wrote: 06 Jun 2023, 11:12 for a collaboration need to split up a project in multiple smaller projects.
i have split it down into 26 separate clips... now how do i save the individual clips as projects?


i cannot export a clip from the menu (why?)
i would very much love to be able to export a clip out of a project as its own separate TVPX

Then as my second option i could try only exporting the clips as mp4... but in the export panel there is no option to only export one clip.
if i select "all Frames - Clip" it displays the whole timeline length and exports the whole project?

Select each Clip (it must show as highlighted to be truly selected), right-click on it , then from the menu select "Create A New Project from Selected Clip". Repeat for each clip until you have 26 separate projects and then save each one.

Sadly, the newly created project is not automatically named by the Clip Name/Number, so even if you have previously named all your Clips as "Project Name_Clip_001" , "Project Name_Clip_002", "Project Name_Clip_003" , etc. , or named each clip as "SCENE_01", "SCENE_02", "SCENE_03", etc. you will still have to attach the correct name to each of the newly created projects when you save them. As it is now it names each new project as "Project Name FromClip(1) ", "Project Name FromClip(2) ", "Project Name FromClip(3) ", "Project Name FromClip(4) ", etc.

Create New Project from Selected Clip.png
Create New Project from Selected Clip.png (34.88 KiB) Viewed 4563 times

Re: spliting a project

Posted: 06 Jun 2023, 12:56
by Thierry
You can also use this option of the Handy Panel:
TVPaint_Animation_11.7.1_Pro_(64bits)_lncmhjI4iH.png (12.13 KiB) Viewed 4560 times

Re: spliting a project

Posted: 06 Jun 2023, 13:08
by D.T. Nethery
Thierry wrote: 06 Jun 2023, 12:56 You can also use this option of the Handy Panel:

Oh, yes ! I forgot about that option in the Handy Panel. That is much faster because it splits all clips to projects in one click.

When doing it this way the naming convention for each newly created project is the project name plus a sequential number in parenthesis (1) , (2), (3) , (4) , etc. , which is ok.

So if you had 26 clips you would end up with projects named as: Project Name (1), Project Name (2), Project Name (3), Project Name (4), Project Name (5), Project Name (6) , etc. until Project Name(26).

The only thing that makes me cautious about having the project number in parenthesis is that if I recall correctly sometimes parenthesis in a project name or layer names can cause problems Exporting to JSON , if you were to need to do that later on. Or am I not remembering it correctly (the problem with parenthesis ?)

Re: spliting a project

Posted: 07 Jun 2023, 13:35
by Peter Wassink
ah great. thank you guys! that's awesome, why is this not in the menu though? would make sense to also find it there? Anyway that is where i was trying to find it.

If i set the main project to embed the sound, will the separate newly exported into projects clips also have their sound embedded?
and will the embedded tool panels also be embedded in the new projects?

well i'guess i'm gonna find out now.

thanks again.

Re: spliting a project

Posted: 07 Jun 2023, 13:48
by Peter Wassink
Oops i could not find where tvpaint saved the projects... and did it again only to then realize it just opens them as projects... now i have 50 projects openend :? ... how am i gonna save them without having to do them one by one?

edit.. well and then TVPaint crashed so i at least do not have to worry about how to close them all...

Re: spliting a project

Posted: 07 Jun 2023, 13:56
by Peter Wassink
is there a way to save all opened projects easily?

Is there a way to close projects simply? i think i recall we used to have all openend projects visible as a list under windows.

Screenshot 2023-06-07 155253.png
this is not particularly pretty or handy.

neither is this:
Screenshot 2023-06-07 155823.png
Screenshot 2023-06-07 155823.png (3.24 KiB) Viewed 4482 times
its silly looking...but this was addressed recently i believe?

Re: spliting a project

Posted: 07 Jun 2023, 14:15
by D.T. Nethery
Peter Wassink wrote: 07 Jun 2023, 13:56 is there a way to save all opened projects easily?

Is there a way to close projects simply? i think i recall we used to have all openend projects visible as a list under windows.

Screenshot 2023-06-07 155253.png
this is not particularly pretty or handy.

neither is this:
Screenshot 2023-06-07 155823.png
its silly looking...but this was addressed recently i believe?

Unfortunately I don't think there is a way to save all the opened projects easily , all in one go. You have to click on each opened project and Save. One at a time ...

I wonder if someone (Svengali or Mads or Nathan) has come up with a script for Save All Opened Projects. This seems like it should be a new feature request. A "Save All Open Projects" in the menu should be built in. (or maybe in the TVPaint Converter ?)

Re: spliting a project

Posted: 07 Jun 2023, 16:15
by Peter Wassink
Yes, i was thinking the same; could not some of these project management type tasks be relegated to the converter.

Re: spliting a project

Posted: 07 Jun 2023, 16:40
by D.T. Nethery
There is a shortcut to Save All Projects.

Screen Shot 2023-06-07 at 12.36.44 PM.png
Screen Shot 2023-06-07 at 12.36.44 PM.png (8.95 KiB) Viewed 4456 times

Worked ok to save the 4 projects I currently have open in TVPaint. I imagine it would take a while to save 26 or more open projects, so definitely would be a good task for the TVPaint Converter , so the saving could happen in the background while you could still continue working in TVPaint.

Re: spliting a project

Posted: 07 Jun 2023, 20:06
by Svengali
It looks like a script could be built around a project consisting of n number of clips which would directly save each clip out as a named project, looping the "tv_ProjectSaveSequence" command after retrieving each clip name (concatenated as part of the path) using the relative beginning frame and end frame for each clip...


Code: Select all

tv_projectsavesequence iPath ["camera"] [iStart iStop]

Save the current project

iPath       filesystempath    The path
                              For path with special characters (like ':'), you need to write
                                  (to not manage the string as a variable)
                                  tv_***** ... "c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/myfile.ext" ...
                              For path with spaces, you need to write:
                                  (to manage the path as a single string inside TVPaint Animation)
                                  tv_***** ... '"'"c:/Users/Mike/Desktop/my file with spaces.ext"'"' ...
                                  The path (already encapsulated with quote (") is again encapsulated with:
                                  simple-quote (') quote (") simple-quote (')
"camera"    string            Use camera view instead of project view
iStart      int               The start frame
iStop       int               The stop frame

0    int    No error

-1    int    No parameter / can't save