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TVP12 Light table slower performance [TVPA-3304]

Posted: 30 May 2024, 14:46
I've noticed that using the light table in TVP12 is more sluggish than in TVP11
Is there any reason for this? Specifically out of peg has seen a decline in speed, is it using the new transform algorithm?

Re: TVP12 Light table slower performance

Posted: 30 May 2024, 14:52
by Peter Wassink
between the click and dragging of the off-peg i also notice a slight pause, before it starts moving that is longer in v12 then in v11.

Re: TVP12 Light table slower performance [TVPA-3304]

Posted: 31 May 2024, 09:09
by jonathan_tvpaint
Thank you for your contribution. The team was able to reproduce the issue and is currently working on it. We will try to have it fixed in a future update.