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New 1 min Animation

Posted: 10 Feb 2009, 16:02
by oyonawa
Hi all

Here is the 4th episode of the series of 1 minute bumpers I am doing for Mun2, NBC Universal Channel for young -adult latinos in the USA.

Let me know what you think,




Re: New 1 min Animation

Posted: 11 Feb 2009, 02:33
by Paul Fierlinger
Hey David, you're getting really good at this; the dynamics of postures and sound perfectly mesh with each other and just enough to make everything look more animated than it is. I truly like that when it's done in a skillful manner -- very purposeful. I think it's because you draw well which is so necessary for this style. Anyone who ever tries to get away with the same sparsity of drawings without mastering the sense for motion placed into every pose is going to fail.

I'm curious about this: Is the producer or impresario modeled on someone you know, or perhaps the VO actor himself or is he completely made up by you?

Re: New 1 min Animation

Posted: 11 Feb 2009, 04:17
by oyonawa
Thanks Paul.

I used a mirror for the producer facial expressions and the lip synch. The poses are done by memory.

Yes ! :) I am getting better and enjoying more and more. The next two episodes are going to be very funny with more characters.
I'll show you them in 3 or 4 weeks.:)

By the way I really love your sailing scenes in Slocum. I can wait to see them with some good ocean sound effects.



Re: New 1 min Animation

Posted: 11 Feb 2009, 12:22
by Paul Fierlinger
When you lip-synced, did you use the Time Line Notes section?

Re: New 1 min Animation

Posted: 11 Feb 2009, 16:05
by oyonawa
Yes. I find it very useful when scrubbing the audio but the notes never play at synch when I play them on top of the movie.
They work fine as a reference to make the key poses i think.

Re: New 1 min Animation

Posted: 11 Feb 2009, 16:30
by Paul Fierlinger
Staying in sync with the picture depends so much on finding a way to keep the playbackspeed as close to real time as possible. This is why I would like to see a real time indicator like NLEs have -- somewhere on the preview panel there should be a little window showing the number of frames per second being previewed at any given instance.

I have setup my room #2 just for sync notations. Here, the layer panel is stretched across all my screens and the preview window is kept in the center, just above the layers and quite small. Furthermore I keep the Preview Quality Custom Panel close to the playback controls. Also I keep the Preview Settings panel close to the Preview window. In other words I make it as easy as possible to switch between dropping the picture playback quality when I need to concentrate on the accuracy of sound and vice versa when I then draw to the annotations in room #1. I also often have Preview set to Proxy.

But when scrubbing I never seem to have problems with sync either but to be absolutely sure of this I often render my project to my NLE and playback there to see if sound is truly in sync to picture.

Re: New 1 min Animation

Posted: 06 Aug 2009, 00:14
by karltoonz
cool homie... :D

Re: New 1 min Animation

Posted: 06 Aug 2009, 09:29
by slowtiger
This is why I would like to see a real time indicator like NLEs have -- somewhere on the preview panel there should be a little window showing the number of frames per second being previewed at any given instance.
I totally agree with Paul here, and like to add a suggestion.

Numbers showing the actual replay speed are nice, but in my experience they're also a bit distracting, with their flickering and changing all the time. I'd like to have a simpler indicator, like a green light which fades (fade! not switch) to red when the project speed isn't met. It should be placed on top of the window, IMO.

Re: New 1 min Animation

Posted: 06 Aug 2009, 11:13
by Paul Fierlinger
But there's a difference between 22 and 24fps that the human eye cannot quite discern as flickering yet the action is slowed down and we need to know about that. Can a fading color indicate this? You already have a bright yellow square running just below your picture; does that distract you? At least it trains you to ignore all those paper airplanes that will be thrown at your screen in Annecy. :roll: