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Sewie's Hairy Brushes

Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 22:43
by Sewie
For those of you interested in custombrushes. I've made some textured brushes for painting in TVP.
They are quite simple; you can get different nuances by fiddling with the settings. Like opacity, etc.

(The picture below is pretty big)


Edit: I can't seem to upload the .tvpx file to the forum so here's a link.
Edit2: Herve Fixed it. (below)

Re: Sewie's Hairy Brushes

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 07:09
by Hervé
Sewie wrote: Edit: I can't seem to upload the .tvpx file to the forum
's Hairy Paint
(763.19 KiB) Downloaded 459 times
Thank you Mike

Re: Sewie's Hairy Brushes

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 13:17
by malcooning
Cheers for sharing sewie.

Re: Sewie's Hairy Brushes

Posted: 01 Jul 2010, 05:54
by meslin
Really, really awesome. I had a toolbar full of brushes like these but I can go ahead and delete mine now.
In smear mode, on a fast computer, these really shine. Makes me want to buy the 6D intuos pen so I can have more orientation control.
Thanks so much!!!


Re: Sewie's Hairy Brushes

Posted: 01 Jul 2010, 07:40
by Sewie
You're welcome. You can set the angle of these brushes to 'direction'. Gives more or less the same result as when set to 'rotation' and used with a pen that's rotation sensitive.
But I believe I've done that for most of these brushes...
...on a fast computer, these really shine.
I've tried to optimize the brushes as much as I could, so I believe they should do well on normal or medium-fast processors as well.

Re: Sewie's Hairy Brushes

Posted: 02 Jul 2010, 10:30
by ingie01
Thank you sooo much for the brushes.....all that work deserves at least a thank you!

Re: Sewie's Hairy Brushes

Posted: 02 Jul 2010, 13:24
by chatbraque
… and an other one !!… for all that work, that works !