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clipping masks in tv paint
Posted: 22 Feb 2011, 11:30
by madteo
quick question. Do layers in tv paint have clipping masks? And by clipping mask I mean the feature found in photoshop in which information will be constrained to an already existing image.
for example if i make a brush stroke, then want to put another brush stroke over it, but do not want to change the shape of the brush stroke, is this possible?
It's sort of hard to articulate what clipping masks are so, anyone who knows what they are. Does tv paint have them?
Re: clipping masks in tv paint
Posted: 22 Feb 2011, 12:20
by ZigOtto
madteo wrote:... for example if i make a brush stroke, then want to put another brush stroke over it, but do not want to change the shape of the brush stroke, is this possible?
not very clear to me ... can you post an image to illustrate what you're looking for ?
Re: clipping masks in tv paint
Posted: 22 Feb 2011, 12:21
by Elodie
Click here :
- mask.png (11.31 KiB) Viewed 19801 times
(white square => you can draw only where a pixel already exists / black : you can draw only where a pixel doesn't exist yet)
Concerning your brush, you simply have to put it on your drawing space,
- mybrush01.png (62 KiB) Viewed 19800 times
active the stencil and change, for example, the color :
- mybrush02.png (82.11 KiB) Viewed 19800 times
Then, use the tool that cut custom brushes and draw with your new colored brush.
Re: clipping masks in tv paint
Posted: 22 Feb 2011, 22:39
by madteo
perfect thanks very much!
Re: clipping masks in tv paint
Posted: 01 Mar 2011, 21:08
by Animark
Hi Elodie,
I used that Clipping Mask you recommend here in the past, to give some parts of a lineart a new color. But I have noticed, that there is a problem at the margins (borders) of the strokes where the half transparent pixels are. They stay a little bit shaded und you'll get a ugly colored line. I also noticed that this is not happen when using the "preserve Transparency" function from the top of the screen. That is what I would recommend here.
- Maybe there's something wrong with the "clipping mask" from the layer check boxes. Here is a picture to demonstrate what I am talking about.
Re: clipping masks in tv paint
Posted: 01 Mar 2011, 23:07
by Fabrice
There is nothing wrong in fact. Just two different ways to do the calculations.
Indeed, you have to test the two possibilities.
Re: clipping masks in tv paint
Posted: 02 Mar 2011, 09:52
by slowtiger
I've never used that "preserve transparency" - thx for that tip! I just used the stencils with a "good enough" result.