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Pixelated around image when playing.

Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 21:49
by maryam

I've just started using this program, It's easy to work some things out until you get stuck.... and you stay stuck....

My sequence looks okay until I play it. It looks pixelated around the image and when I export it(.MOV with ALPHA) and bring it in AfterEffects
and put a white back ground behind it I can see some unwanted lines that I've know idea where they are coming from.

Also if you notice when I filled in the eyes, it doesn't feel it fully, there is a white line around the whole thing. Not
sure how to fix that.

The top picture is exported and is on white background.
The bottom one is in TVP.

I really appreciate any help.

Re: Pixelated around image when playing.

Posted: 25 Mar 2012, 01:01
by ZigOtto
hi Mariam and welcome,

for the "mysterious" lines (artefact ?), I think it's relative to your exported file,
try to export your anim in images sequence (PNG32 or TGA32) instead of a quicktime file (.MOV),

concerning the "uncomplete" filling, you should tweak the fill settings a little bit more,
f.i., add 1 (or 2) pixel(s) in the "extend" parameter, and fill the areas in "Behind" painting mode,
it should solve this undesirable white pixels around the lines.

Re: Pixelated around image when playing.

Posted: 25 Mar 2012, 01:51
by maryam
Thanks for your help.
I sorted the color filling problem.

I've tried the TGA and PNG32 that you've mentioned.
For some reason when I try to export the sequence into AfterEffects (I force alphabetical order) It make the sequence in half.
It did the same for both TGA and PNG.

It actually some how got fixed! and I imported the new .mov file in AfterEffects and It's fine.
But I appreciate if you let me know what I did wrong for TGA and PNG, and possibly what's their difference.

And one more question, Is there reason why lines in some frames become blurry while others are fine?
It maybe something to do with my pen pressure, but I doubt it. Cause it's blurry.

Many thanks for your reply.