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Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 27 Jun 2012, 06:42
by v.veidt
I've made this brush to serve as a vanishing point tool for creating perspective grids. It's a fairly simple set of radiating lines, which is scalable and can be modified by the Tint brushes in the Sketch Panel. I hope you find it useful.
Spoiler : :
(1.57 MiB) Downloaded 760 times
This file was made in TVP 9.5 Standard if it matters.

Re: Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 27 Jun 2012, 07:53
by Elodie
Thank you for sharing :)

Re: Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 27 Jun 2012, 12:00
by Animark
Great! Thumbs up!

... and thanks a lot :-)

Re: Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 12 Jul 2012, 21:15
by lemec
This is a rather heavily modified version of KylerK's vanishing point tool.
Spoiler : Kyler's tutorial video :
This version automatically switches you to the propelling pencil and restores your brush afterwards.
It makes use of the tv_undoOpenStack and tv_undoCloseStack commands to avoid clobbering your undo buffer
It locks/unlocks the display during operation for faster results.
It also uses tv_zLine to fade the opacity at the center point to eliminate the "fuzzy navel" artifact at the vanishing point
Using the first script
Using the first script

Code: Select all

Param Circle

Parse result command Cx Cy r button

oldTool = Result

if r>800

parse Result name width height extra

maxLen = sqr(width*width + height*height)

tv_propelling mode "color" power 100 opacity 100 dry 0 aaliasing 1 gradient 0 cpower "10;2 0 1 0 0 1 1 "
FOR i = 1 TO t
	angle = i * (360 / t)
	x1=COS(angle) * maxLen
	y1=SIN(angle) * maxLen

	tv_ZLine Cx Cy x1+Cx y1+Cy button 0 255
tv_cmd oldTool
tv_undoCloseStack "Perspective Guide"
This one is a little different in that it randomizes the angle and the distance to the center point. It doesn't affect the current tool, so it's useful for various zooming effects.
Using the second script
Using the second script

Code: Select all

Param Circle

Parse result command Cx Cy r button

parse Result name width height extra
maxLen = sqr(width*width + height*height)

r = 800 * (r / (maxLen / 3))

if r>800

FOR i = 1 TO t
	r1 = rnd(maxLen / 2)
	o2 = 255 * (1 - (r1 / (maxLen / 2)))
	angle = rnd(3600)
	x1=x2 * maxLen
	y1=y2 * maxLen
	x2 = x2 * r1
	y2 = y2 * r1
	tv_ZLine x2+Cx y2+Cy x1+Cx y1+Cy button 0 o2
tv_undoclosestack "Radial Burst"

Re: Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 12 Jul 2012, 21:32
by lemec
With the right settings...
With the right settings...
vPForestTool.png (23.48 KiB) Viewed 6925 times

Re: Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 06:55
by Elodie
Wow, very nice :D

Re: Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 07:39
by v.veidt
Wow, thanks for all the work, especially with the "fuzzy navel" issue. I suppose I should really learn to script for TVP.

Not to seem belligerently ignorant, but how does one implement these wonderful scripts?

Re: Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 08:44
by lemec
1: create a new custom panel action (right click an empty spot on an EDITABLE custom panel and choose Add Action)
2: edit the new action (right click it)
3: Choose Embedded Script
4: copy/paste the script of your choice into the script window that comes up.

Re: Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 22:09
by v.veidt
I can't seem to get either of these scripts to work. The Param Circle command is definitely working and I don't get an error message, but there is no result when I use the action. Is there any reason this would not work on Mac OS X?

Update: It works flawlessly on Windows. Now I'm extra glad I switched over. Thanks.

Re: Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 24 Jul 2012, 07:34
by kariP
They both seem to work on my mac, very nice, especially the perspective tool!
I adjusted the opacity of the endpoint from 0 to 3. Now it creates a small dot into the horizon, which is a bit clearer for me. And with low amount of lines, no funny stuff on the navel area either. A Big thank you for the script!

Re: Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 24 Jul 2012, 07:56
by lemec
Hm. Maybe I should make a version that will set the vanishing point to the intersection of two non-parallel lines. Might be useful for getting perspective guides for imagery that has an existing vanishing point.

Re: Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 24 Jul 2012, 08:05
by Fabrice
hey Mark and Vincent Veidt, excellent job, as usual ;)

Re: Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 15:09
by Peter Wassink
lemec wrote:Hm. Maybe I should make a version that will set the vanishing point to the intersection of two non-parallel lines. Might be useful for getting perspective guides for imagery that has an existing vanishing point.
you mean a version with an input of four points that would create a grid to match an existing image?
cool idea!

Re: Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 08 Aug 2012, 16:26
by slowtiger
+1. That's something so fundamental, yet I haven't seen it in any graphics program yet: let the user create a rectangle or tetragon, and the script would create a grid of that. Adjust the original tetragon, and the grid changes with it.
grid.png (30.34 KiB) Viewed 6790 times

Re: Vanishing Point Tool

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 12:32
by Fabrice
Maybe it can help :
The vanishing points are usable in the warp tool.
So if you draw a grid on the screen, you can use the warp tool to put it in perspective, using the vanishing points of the warp tool.

nb : This kind of grid is in the ToDo list for a future 10.x version. with the complete renewal of grid, guides, etc ... (old code ...)