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Unable to make a smooth line on TVP9

Posted: 29 Aug 2012, 20:51
by yukilin

I'm running TVP Animation 9 Pro on my PC Desktop/Cintiq. My brushes, however, turn out "spotty." I seem unable to make a smooth line unless I draw slowly. I've attached an image of what the brushwork looks like. I've tried adjusting the brush settings, but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. Is this just how the line quality looks for TVP, or perhaps I am dealing with a graphics card issue?


Re: Unable to make a smooth line on TVP9

Posted: 29 Aug 2012, 21:49
by Roselle2
:? Hi,
Go to Tool:Penbrush and look Size and Power and so on.
Your Options not correct.
Size =P and Power =C than it is good.
look also Main Panel , The first Brusch are Line not Dot.


Re: Unable to make a smooth line on TVP9

Posted: 29 Aug 2012, 23:09
by Peter Wassink
it could either be that in the main panel your drawing setting(first button) is Not set to Stroke but set to dot. (like Roselle said)

or, when it is a custombrush you are using, it could be that in the tool panel the step mode is on (or set at too high a percentage)

Re: Unable to make a smooth line on TVP9

Posted: 30 Aug 2012, 01:06
by idragosani
yukilin wrote:Hello!

I'm running TVP Animation 9 Pro on my PC Desktop/Cintiq. My brushes, however, turn out "spotty." I seem unable to make a smooth line unless I draw slowly. I've attached an image of what the brushwork looks like. I've tried adjusting the brush settings, but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. Is this just how the line quality looks for TVP, or perhaps I am dealing with a graphics card issue?

You have the 'dot' stroke selected for lines rather than the freehand 'line' stroke. This is selectable on the Main panel in the top left.

Re: Unable to make a smooth line on TVP9

Posted: 30 Aug 2012, 03:10
by yukilin
Ah! I did indeed have the dot stroke selected. Glad that was an easy fix. :) Thanks so much guys!