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Why are the imported images upside down?

Posted: 25 Jan 2013, 11:02
by Ami

I'm back using Tvpaint after a long break, and here's the question: I am importing image sequences but they appear upside down?
Any ideas why?


-- mac 10.6.8.
--tvpaint 9.5.21

Re: Why are the imported images upside down?

Posted: 25 Jan 2013, 11:07
by Ami
Or actually they are mirrored/flipped!

Re: Why are the imported images upside down?

Posted: 25 Jan 2013, 12:30
by Eric Scholl
Are they already mirrored in the import panel ?

Go to "View" and see if "Flip Horizontally" or "Flip Vertically" are checked and uncheck them.

Re: Why are the imported images upside down?

Posted: 25 Jan 2013, 14:24
by Ami
Yes they were already mirrored in the startup panel.

I imported them and then i flipped horisontally to get it look right. but when I render them out, it's again mirrored. so what to do?

Re: Why are the imported images upside down?

Posted: 25 Jan 2013, 14:30
by Elodie
Could you show me an image with the result you want and the result you obtain ?

Re: Why are the imported images upside down?

Posted: 25 Jan 2013, 15:42
by ematecki
What format are your images in ?

JPEGs from a camera ?

Re: Why are the imported images upside down?

Posted: 31 Jan 2013, 22:22
by Ami
Scanned images..

Re: Why are the imported images upside down?

Posted: 31 Jan 2013, 22:23
by Ami
Tiff. Hp scaner. I didn't have the problem with epson scanner. can that be it?

Re: Why are the imported images upside down?

Posted: 01 Feb 2013, 08:09
by Elodie
Could you show us an image with the result you want and the result you obtain ?

Re: Why are the imported images upside down?

Posted: 01 Feb 2013, 08:28
by ematecki
Ami wrote:Tiff. Hp scaner. I didn't have the problem with epson scanner. can that be it?
I think your scanner driver/software sets the rotation flags in the tiff file instead of really rotating the image.
Can you try with PNGs (if your software allows it) ?