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Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 01 Sep 2013, 13:11
by furushil

I have a sequence on 2s and want to use the faux-fixe random option, but it is not working properly.
When I set the faux-fixe on "repeat" or "ping-pong" everything works fine but on random the sequence plays on 1s and not random at all. I had this problem many times now and usually just rearranged the frames manually.
What am I doing wrong?

OSX 10.7.5 TVpaint 10.0.18 standard 32bit

I have attached a screenshot of a recreated timeline. In both cases the "random" option is activated and not working properly.

Re: Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 01 Sep 2013, 18:19
by slowtiger
Confirmed on OS 10.6.8 TVP 10.0.18

Re: Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 01 Sep 2013, 19:29
by Fabrice
probably a calculation rounding bug or something like this preventing to be random. :?
A real "Random" never exists with computers ...

Re: Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 09:16
by furushil
I'm not quite sure but I think the random option worked in version 10.0.0

Re: Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 19:07
by Animark
FF Random works on Win7/64 - TVPaint 10.0.14 as it should do. Maybe it's one of the newer bugs or just a Mac bug. I like 10.0.14!
FFRND-10.0.14.jpg (32.05 KiB) Viewed 29529 times

Re: Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 22:28
by Fabrice
creating random is really Operating System specific.
So it might work on PC, but not on Mac, we have to check.

Re: Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 18:21
by meslin
On TVP Pro 11.0.2 on OSX Yosemite 10.10.5, Repeat Images / Faux Fixe - random still doesn't work correctly.

Re: Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 29 Oct 2015, 07:59
by Elodie
That's because Apple controls everything and won't let any random... :roll:

Just kidding (I think...), ok, we have to check this.

Re: Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 29 Oct 2015, 08:13
by Animark
I just want to add why I nearly never use the Random of the Repeat Image/FF. It is working, of course, but it only makes sense, if you want to random an animation timed on 1's. If you have timed on 2's, 3's and so on, the random totally destroys the rhythm of the animation, because it runs on 1's. It could be very cool if we could use the random on moving holds, for example - but it don't works on 2's, 3's and so on. So, there are a very very few situations, where this random makes sense. I love random and I often use it for moving holds - but I have to do it by hand.

Unfortunately, I also have no Idea how this could be solved. Specially, when there is an animation, where the timing is mixed (1's, 2's and 3's together.).

Re: Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 10 Jun 2016, 16:10
by D.T. Nethery
Can this be fixed for Mac ? In TVPaint 11.0.3 the Repeat Images - Random is greyed-out , not functional. Did this issue fall off the "to fix" list ? ... eat-images" onclick=";return false;
Repeat images Random not working on Mac.jpg
Repeat images Random not working on Mac.jpg (71.67 KiB) Viewed 27912 times
Does anyone know if there a way of creating a custom script that will apply the Repeat Images - Random command ? (or has someone already made such a script/custom panel?)

This would be very helpful for a project I'm working on now. When the character's Hold they don't come to a dead stop , but the hold is a five drawing trace-back cycle (to keep the line slightly alive/"breathing") . To keep the five drawing cycle from becoming apparent on a longer hold I need the five drawing traceback cycle to be repeated randomly.


Re: Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 10 Jun 2016, 16:34
by furushil
It works here on my computer and is not greyed out but it is still not working properly I'm afraid :(
The first five frames are 1,2,3,4,5 and TVPaint "randomly" repeats 3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2...
repeat random.png

Re: Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 15 Jun 2016, 08:34
by Thierry
D.T. Nethery wrote:Did this issue fall off the "to fix" list ?
No, it's still on the to-do list.
D.T. Nethery wrote:Does anyone know if there a way of creating a custom script that will apply the Repeat Images - Random command ? (or has someone already made such a script/custom panel?)

This would be very helpful for a project I'm working on now. When the character's Hold they don't come to a dead stop , but the hold is a five drawing trace-back cycle (to keep the line slightly alive/"breathing") . To keep the five drawing cycle from becoming apparent on a longer hold I need the five drawing traceback cycle to be repeated randomly.

I'll see what I can do.

Re: Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 18 Jun 2016, 13:26
by D.T. Nethery
furushil wrote:It works here on my computer and is not greyed out but it is still not working properly I'm afraid :(
The first five frames are 1,2,3,4,5 and TVPaint "randomly" repeats 3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2...

That's interesting that the options for Repeat Image - Repeat , Ping-Pong, Random are not greyed-out on yours running on MAC OS 10.11.5 ... for me running TVPaint 11.0.3 on MAC OS 10.9.5 the options are greyed-out (and the options have been greyed-out on previous version of TVPaint 10.5.7 ) .

I guess it's not a huge problem as far as the "Random" exposure ... if it's just a short section of 5 - to - 12 drawings that need to be cycled with random exposure I rearrange (copy & paste) the frames into a random cycle manually and then copy & paste the random cycle on the Timeline as many times as is needed , but a functional Repeat Images - Random command would be useful.
Repeat Images options greyed-out.jpg
Repeat Images options greyed-out.jpg (71.21 KiB) Viewed 27849 times


Re: Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 18 Jun 2016, 13:42
by furushil
This might be silly but what are you on in the timeline when you try this?
It is only greyed out when you are on an instance.

See here:
Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-18 um 15.34.16.png
Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-18 um 15.34.26.png

Re: Faux-Fixe Random

Posted: 18 Jun 2016, 14:41
by D.T. Nethery
furushil wrote:This might be silly but what are you on in the timeline when you try this?
It is only greyed out when you are on an instance.

See here:
Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-18 um 15.34.16.png
Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-18 um 15.34.26.png
YES ! That's it. Thank you ! I thought I had to have the Instances selected (like in applying an FX Stack or a Transformation) But if I move off the instances as shown in your screen shot the Repeat Images - Repeat - Ping-Pong - Random are no longer greyed-out . I had no clue ... it's really not clear in the User Manual about that little detail ... the User Manual does note it can not be applied the instance head and I missed that : "This is made possible by the Repeat Images Value option available in the timeline's contextual menu. That value is applied on the wished exposure cell (you cannot use that value on the instance's head)." Maybe I'm a dullard :oops: , not paying close enough attention , but the meaning was not clear to me in the User Manual, that I had to move off the instances entirely before attempting to apply Repeat Images - Random . Most of the time in TVPaint if I want to apply something it means that the instances must be selected (as in Apply FX Stack or Apply a Transformation , so this seems counter-intuitive to me from the way things are usually done in TVPaint ... ) Well, now I know ... Now the Repeat Images menu is not greyed-out , but sadly, as you mentioned before , the Repeat Images - Random function still does not work. :(
