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pixelated lines

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 11:02
by fm.haszard
Hi I'm quite new to tv paint, I have been animating a video using the air brush, with an aspect of 100 and size 8, and I've been noticing that although the brush is usually drawing the way I want, sometimes i find that even after exporting, the line is very pixelated. I suspect that it may have something to do with drawing on a rotated canvas, but i'm not sure why that would be the case, or how to work around it. Any ideas? ...My project is 1920 X 1080, i have attached an image showing the pixelating in the line, its cropped from an exported png file. Thank you !!

Re: pixelated lines

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 13:29
by ZigOtto
hello fm, and welcome,

what's your tvpa version, and what OS are you using ?

did you color-fill the character on the same (line)layer, or on a separated color layer ?
if the color is separated (recommanded imo), can you crop the "line only" of your drawing,
to see who's the culprit ...
btw, why don't you use a pen brush instead than a "tiny" airbrush ?
airbrush at very small size isn't as smooth as a that ...
I think a pen brush with the right settings (AA = on) would do the job probably with a better quality.
lineAA.png (11.94 KiB) Viewed 21458 times

Re: pixelated lines

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 22:42
by fm.haszard
thank you! I am using TV Paint 10.5, OSX 10.9.4... I will definitely be colouring on a separate layer from now on! I prefer the varied weight of the tiny air brush... and find that even when I use a pen tool the pixelating is still happening. I have attached an image showing the pixelating on just the line, with both pen (with AA = on) and airbrush (with the settings I have been using).

Re: pixelated lines

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 22:45
by Peter Wassink
is your project maybe set to field: upper/lower ?
It should always be set to Progressive

Re: pixelated lines

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 23:03
by D.T. Nethery
Peter Wassink wrote:is your project maybe set to field: upper/lower ?
It should always be set to Progressive
Peter beat me to it. I was going to say the same thing .

In the Startup Panel, make sure that Field is set to Progressive . (not upper first or lower first)
TVPaint Start Up Panel.jpg
TVPaint Start Up Panel.jpg (52.83 KiB) Viewed 21428 times

Re: pixelated lines

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 23:33
by fm.haszard
Hi thanks yes it is already set to progressive.

Re: pixelated lines

Posted: 30 Oct 2014, 01:07
by ZigOtto
what was your pen settings ? ... and how much your grabbed view is zoomed in your picture ?
I mean the "pixilating" lines could be on the screen (specially when the preview isn't exactly at 100%, or rotated),
but not in the exported file .

btw, why do you activate the smoothing feature, but with a "0" amount ...?
if you don't want any line smoothing, it would be better to check it OFF.

Re: pixelated lines

Posted: 07 Jan 2020, 05:18
by csherbow
Hi, I'm having the same problem in TV Paint 11 with a Mac OS 10.14.2. I also have it set to "progressive", here is a JPG I exported to show that it exports pixelated as well.
Untitledboop.jpg (93.6 KiB) Viewed 16760 times

Re: pixelated lines

Posted: 30 Mar 2022, 20:44
by Nuka
Hello ! Ijust found a solution to this issue and wanted to share, try to go to 'window' >> 'settings' >> 'shape settings' and increase smoothing number. For me it was 2 and I pushed it up to 15 and it works just fine