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Transform-Deform Button Set for TVPaint Pro 11 only

Posted: 28 Aug 2015, 15:07
by Svengali
Transform-Deform.jpg (38.41 KiB) Viewed 2984 times
A simple set of TOGGLE buttons that give direct, toggle-able access to the Transform and Deform operations when assigned to shortcut keys.

On my keyboard, I've assigned the Transform-Deform Buttons to the H, J, K, L keys so that:
H = Deform on / off
J = Pan on/ off
K = Transform (pan, scale and angle) on / off
L = Perspective on/off

Toggle the key once puts you in the assigned mode, toggling the key again takes you out of the assigned mode and updates any change you might have made.

H - toggle to bring up warp/deformation grid and, after deforming, toggle again to make the deform permanent, and dismiss the grid.
J - toggle to start Pan and toggle again to exit Pan mode which updates the re-positioned layer.
K - toggle to enter or exit Transform mode, the RMB click brings up the Reset operations for Panning, Scale and Angle.
L = toggle to enter or exit Perspective mode, the RMB click brings up Reset option, but also permits flipping and rotating.

Drag and drop the Transform-Deform.tvpx file into your TVPaint 11 application. Assign shortcut keys in the usual way.

The Warp/deformation button only works with TVP Pro 11, but the other three buttons (Pan,Trans,Persp) will work with TVP Standard 11 and earlier TVPaint versions.


Re: Transform-Deform Button Set for TVPaint Pro 11 only

Posted: 30 Aug 2015, 10:22
by NathanOtano
I was thinking about this, it saves a lot of time. Really usefull thank you.

Does it come back to the previously used tool?

Re: Transform-Deform Button Set for TVPaint Pro 11 only

Posted: 30 Aug 2015, 11:28
by Svengali
NathanOtano wrote:Does it come back to the previously used tool?
After toggling off, all 4 buttons automatically update the change and return to the active tool, whatever it was. But if you are currently using some shape, it loses the shape and reverts to the previous brush.

Depending on how you work, the button set could save lots of clicks... :)


Re: Transform-Deform Button Set for TVPaint Pro 11 only

Posted: 01 Sep 2015, 12:24
by NathanOtano
Just perfect :)

Re: Transform-Deform Button Set for TVPaint Pro 11 only

Posted: 11 Oct 2015, 14:48
by NathanOtano
I think we can have another button, a "copy to brush/stamp in place" button, and I'm searching a way to deselect when applying. Not possible in george scripts but maybe there is another way...

Re: Transform-Deform Button Set for TVPaint Pro 11 only

Posted: 26 Nov 2015, 13:44
by NathanOtano
I created some related buttons to optimize shortcuts, just wanted to share it.


Top to bottom you have :

- The 4 toggles of svengali
- A+D : A macro to apply the transformation, deselect and going back to brush. I assigned this to shift+key of each transformation shortcut of the above buttons.
- Cut B : A script to select the cutbrush, then you cut the part you need, you go to the frame you want and you hit the button again to "stamp in place" and go back to brush. Really usefull.
- STAMP : A macro button to deselect, stamp in place and go back to brush. Same as the A+D button, it's for the cases when i need to deselect (cause we can't script it)
- MODE : A simple shortcut to switch beetween the modes of your tools. If it's a brush you switch beetween Color/Erase/Behind, looping, and it's the same for every tool (add/sub/replace for selection, cut/copy for cutbrush, fill/shift for transform tools...)

- The bucket icon : One click to select the paint bucket if not selected, one click to flood the canvas with the selected color and go back to brush.
- Colorize : One click to colorize the non-transparent pixels with the selected color and go back to brush. Mapped to my toggle paint bucket shortcut + shift

- Toggle selection : One click for selection tool, another click to go back to brush.
- All the other toggles : To select the tool needed and click again to switch to the "fill" equivalent. And desactivates alpha channel.
- All the alpha buttons : Same as the toggles but activates alpha channel (mapped on the same key as above but with the shift modifier). Usefull when you work with different line color to quickly colorize what you need.

Re: Transform-Deform Button Set for TVPaint Pro 11 only

Posted: 26 Nov 2015, 15:59
by thedigitalDog
perfect, many many thanks !