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instance handles disapears on long time range

Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 03:10
by Jerome Boulbes
Hello everybody

On 11.0.2 Pro/ Win64, it seems that the instance handles (tail and Sprocket seems to be their names) disappear when the time range becomes longer than around 220 images. That makes it a little bit annoying when timing long shots.
Is it a feature, a bug or is there a parameter to setup so that they keep showing ?



Re: instance handles disapears on long time range

Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 04:51
by D.T. Nethery
Jerome Boulbes wrote:Hello everybody

On 11.0.2 Pro/ Win64, it seems that the instance handles (tail and Sprocket seems to be their names) disappear when the time range becomes longer than around 220 images. That makes it a little bit annoying when timing long shots.
Is it a feature, a bug or is there a parameter to setup so that they keep showing ?


Click and drag on the magnifying glass icon Image at the upper right of the Layer panel to expand the Timeline view.




Re: instance handles disapears on long time range

Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 05:09
by Jerome Boulbes
thanks, but that was not my question.

When the time line is expanded, at some point the handles disappears. then I need to re-contract the time line, edit the instance length, expand again and so on... I wondered if there is a way to keep those handle even when the time line is expanded.

But, well, I guess it isn't that important...

Re: instance handles disapears on long time range

Posted: 28 Feb 2016, 16:04
by Fabrice
Hmmm, I will check.

Re: instance handles disapears on long time range

Posted: 29 Feb 2016, 08:17
by Elodie
This happens only when you lock a layer.

Re: instance handles disapears on long time range

Posted: 29 Feb 2016, 14:42
by meslin
When you have a long clip (so that the instance 'tail' square is hidden) and you want to edit exposure timing, I think the best method is use keyboard shortcuts.
If you have a numeric keypad, here's an easy-to-remember set of shortcut keys that you could assign:

+ : assigned to Exposure: Add Single
- : assigned to Exposure: Remove Single
* : assigned to Exposure: Add Multiple... (prompts you to type in a value)

Re: instance handles disapears on long time range

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 02:33
by Jerome Boulbes
Elodie wrote:This happens only when you lock a layer.
Actually the layers are not locked.
In the 2nd Gif that D.T. Nethery posted, you can see them disappearing. It's good in this case because each instance becomes too small to show handles. But if there was fewer, longer instances, they'd disappear too.

Thanks for the keyboard tip ! In my case, as I am working at animatic level it won't be very usefull - I am constantly changing the duration of instances by very long durations.

Actually, this is not a major issue. :D I just wanted to check is I missed some preference option.

Re: instance handles disapears on long time range

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 07:04
by Elodie
Jerome, could you please post a screenshot then ? There are only 2 cases where tails and sprockets vanish, and David and I explained you what these cases are :
• you zoomed out
• you locked layers

So, if none of these cases correspond to the issue you currently have, please enlighten us with an image. What is the point to tell "I'm having an issue" and then say "oh, nevermind, it's not a big deal". Perhaps it's easy to fix or perhaps you've found a bug : whatever, a solution may be possible :)

Re: instance handles disapears on long time range

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 02:02
by Jerome Boulbes
Elodie wrote:Jerome, could you please post a screenshot then ? There are only 2 cases where tails and sprockets vanish, and David and I explained you what these cases are :
• you zoomed out
• you locked layers
Hello Elodie, thank you for your answer. I am really sorry that I made myself unclear, and may be sound unpolite.
I understood from the very beginning that my issue was because I zoomed out (I wrote "when the time range becomes longer than around 220 images." which I now understand is a weird way of writing). My question was if there was a way to prevent this behavior (so that one doesn't need to zoom in/zoom out, I should have written).

Here is the image. I realize that the misunderstanding may comes from being very long instances - it `s the same as what David posted, but with only very few instances (this for animatic work)

Capture.JPG (27.3 KiB) Viewed 22373 times

It seems that the answer is "no".
Elodie wrote: What is the point to tell "I'm having an issue" and then say "oh, nevermind, it's not a big deal". Perhaps it's easy to fix or perhaps you've found a bug : whatever, a solution may be possible :)
Sorry again :) But,really, it's not that important !

Re: instance handles disapears on long time range

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 12:01
by NathanOtano
Makes me think of an "adaptative zoom" option that will always stretch your instances entirely in your timeline when you add or remove instance. Could be nice :) and it stops shrinking only when the handles will dissapear. I'll try to add an automatic timeline fit zoom keystroke to my shortcuts, it will be awesome :D (EDIT : ok it is kind of slow, too bad)

And maybe, to follow up jerome's reflexion, we could imagine a smaller version of the handles that can still be there when the instance is too thin for a square (or maybe they never dissapear, they just never cover the next insance. That way we can still time instance that are not that thin even at a large zoom level)

Re: instance handles disapears on long time range

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 12:22
by Fabrice
Sorry, it sounds like we are not authorised to read your google account.
(I couldn't find how to embed this image... the IMG button didn't worked... It's hosted on google drive, so may be there is some security setting I couldn't find ?)
You can use the "attach a file" tab when writing your message, to add an image.
PJ_forum.png (53.23 KiB) Viewed 22397 times

Re: instance handles disapears on long time range

Posted: 04 Mar 2016, 02:52
by Jerome Boulbes
Fabrice wrote: You can use the "attach a file" tab when writing your message, to add an image.
I had not noticed that, useful ! I edited the post.